
Donation Stations is a mobile application that allows restaurants to reach out to homeless shelters (and vice versa) to donate any leftover food. Annually, restaurants waste over 1/2 billion tons of food while nearly a billion people worldwide don't have access. With this app, shelters and restaurants can communicate to solve both problems.

Primary LanguageJava

Donation Stations

Annually, restaurants waste over 1/2 billion tons of food while nearly a billion people don't have access.

Donation Stations is the solution to both problems of food wastage and distribution. It is a mobile application that allows restaurants to reach out to homeless shelters (and vice versa) to donate any leftover or uneaten food.

Via Donation Stations, shelters can contact potential donors through an informative search experience with detailed information available about each restaurant and seamless donor-recipient communication within the app itself. They can then receive directions to travel to the restaurant to collect their donation.

Donation Stations can help stop food wastage by providing food to the millions of people who do not have it.


The demonstration video of the app can be found at this link or by clicking on the image below:


The code for the Donation Stations app has been committed to this repository. Quick access to the files are below: