I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. My research interests include Geographic Information Science (GIS), remote sensing, and environmental modeling. More specifically, I am interested in applying geospatial big data, machine learning, and cloud computing (e.g., Google Earth Engine) to study environmental change, especially surface water and wetland inundation dynamics. I am a strong advocate of open science and reproducible research. More information about my research and teaching can be found on my personal website and research blog.
- Linux: manjaro-linux
- R packages: whiteboxR
- Python packages: geemap | leafmap | eefolium | geehydro | lidar | whitebox | whiteboxgui | geospatial | pygis | pypackage
- ArcGIS Toolboxes: WhiteboxTools-ArcGIS | Depression Analysis Toolbox | Wetland Hydrology Analyst
- Google Earth Engine: Awesome-GEE | earthengine-py-notebooks | qgis-earthengine-examples | earthengine-apps
- Creating satellite timelapse with Streamlit and Earth Engine
- A streamlit app for creating timelapse of annual Landsat imagery (1984-2021)
- The ArcGIS Toolbox for WhiteboxTools v2.0 released
- GEE and geemap workshop at GeoPython Conference
- How to publish a Python package on conda-forge