This project is based on wang-xinyu/tensorrtx and WongKinYiu/PyTorch_YOLOv4. The project has been tested on TensorRT 7.0 CUDA 10.2 CUDNN 7.6.5, and costs about 2ms(500fps) to inference an image on GeForce GTX 1660 Ti.
The project also has been tested on TensorRT 7.1.0(Developer Preview) CUDA 10.2 CUDNN 8.0.0(Developer Preview), and costs about 10-11ms(90-100fps) to inference an image on TX2 (by using the MAX-N mode and jetson_clocks).
There is another branch "trt5" for TensorRT 4 & 5.
Another project "mobilenetv1-ssd-tensorrt".
(1) Generate yolov4-tiny.wts from pytorch implementation
git clone -b u3_preview https://github.com/WongKinYiu/PyTorch_YOLOv4.git
// Download yolov4-tiny.pt and copy it into PyTorch_YOLOv4/weights.
// 权重下载链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1lEXCyDJyjL9B0WR-MKzAeg 提取码:ml0o
git clone https://github.com/tjuskyzhang/yolov4-tiny-tensorrt.git
cd PyTorch_YOLOv4
cp ../yolov4-tiny-tensorrt/gen_wts.py .
python gen_wts.py weights/yolov4-tiny.pt
// A file named 'yolov4-tiny.wts' will be generated.
cp yolov4-tiny.wts ../yolov4-tiny-tensorrt
(2) Build and run
cd yolov4-tiny-tensorrt
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
// Serialize the model and generate yolov4-tiny.engine
./yolov4-tiny -s
// Deserialize and generate the detection results _dog.jpg and so on.
./yolov4-tiny -d ../samples