Note-ed Dashboard

Taking Notes Made Easy by Note-ed

The repository you are exploring right now is of Note-ed-Dashboard.

But first of all what is Note-ed

Noted is a chrome extension that helps you study with YouTube efficiently. With Noted, you can record timestamps and write notes while watching videos, without having to leave the YouTube tab.

What problem it solves

Taking screenshots of important sections and switching tabs to make notes makes us less productive. The idea is to build a chrome extension and further on a web app to make note-making on YouTube very efficient. Users can easily bookmark a time stamp, write notes and important points via Noted.

How it works ??

Once you login the dashboard will show you all the videos you have made notes for using noted


We store all of a users video, in a video collection from where we fetch them to the display, all the videos are clickable that is you can enter the note making section or read your notes just by clicking on the respective video
There we have used quill editor to make an editor and have used debouncing to autosave the data on our db

Tech Stack used


To try it on local:

git clone <repo link>
cd <repo-dir>
npm install
npm run start

For feedbacks and suggestions you can contact me at my Linkedin or you can mail me at