Built on top of TAS.
BlueTAS is an implementation of offloading the fast and slow path of TAS from the CPU of the host machine to the cores of a SmartNIC.
Here is our report the details BlueTAS' functionality.
The repo consists of three main components - lib
, tas_host
and tas_nic
. The interaction between the three and the application can be summarized in the following figure:
------------------ -------------- | -------------
| App | libTAS | <==> | tas_host | <=|=> | tas_nic |
------------------ -------------- | -------------
consists of the application interface which is needed to be preloaded as a shared object when running any application.
is the part of the TAS stack that is implemented to be run on the host - specifically, it houses the implementatio to connect and flush to the RDMA queues on the NIC.
is the fast and slow path of TAS that runs on the NIC.
On the host, the only folders that need to be made are the lib/
and tas_host
folders. For convenience, we provide a modified Makefile which accounts for that. So, on the host, run:
$ make -f MakefileHost
On the SmartNic, we simply just build all the folders. Assuming that dpdk is installed in ~/dpdk-inst
TAS can be built as follows:
$ make RTE_SDK=~/dpdk-inst
Some definitions: A host refers to the main compute machine on which applications are run. Inside the host, there is a SmartNIC. We can run applications on SmartNIC too.
So, on the host, we run:
$ arp -s [IP_address_of_SmartNIC] [MAC_address_of_SmartNIC]
$ tas_host/tas_host
On the SmartNIC, we run:
$ sudo tas_nic/tas_nic --ip-addr= --fp-cores-max=2 --nic-ip= --nic-port=39244 --shm-len=536870912
is the ip-address of the smartNIC.
To run an application using TAS, we run
$ LD_PRELOAD=lib/libtas_interpose.so application_binary application_args