- git specific
Following are some custom git
specific aliases that I have added
apart from the ones provided by oh-my-zsh git plugin
- list all remote branches i.e. on github
alias glrh="git ls-remote --heads"
- checkout a new remote branch from github and set tracking info
alias gctb="git checkout --track -b" # followed by <local_branch_name> <origin/remote_branch_name>
- set tracking info while pushing a new branch to github
alias gpsup="git push --set-upstream" # useful for first time push of new branches
- list out tracking info of each local branch
alias gbvv="git branch -vv"
- Python symlink linker
The file linker.py is an automated script that generates symbolic links to this dotfiles
folder, assuming that it is located in your home directory
By defualt it skips already existing symlinks(prints a message as well) and creates those which do not(another message for this). This behavior can be changed by providing a -f
command line option.
It symlinks your files and folders both, i.e. we will have links for dotfiles/.vim
as well as dotfiles/.vimrc
Anyone can use this file as it configures your ~
directory automatically, so you don't need to worry about your username conflicts.
The script also provides an option to symlink your custom theme-file using the -t