
Primary LanguageWeb Ontology Language


Currently Ongoing Project.


From a given context this system is able to abstract information and convert it to ontolgy based knowledge system. From that knowledge area any user can ask questions from the system in order to obtain most suitable answer by the system.

#Text to Ontology (Text mining approach)

Basic architecture of this part is to provide natural langauge based text to be converted into a ontology which then updated with new knowledge.

Benifit of having ontology is it allowes us to infer new knowledge from the existing knowledge.

#Tools required

  1. Parsey McParseface server - which allowes to convert the sentences in natural language into parse trees. Run this server locally to access api calls using HTTP POST requests.

  2. OwlReady which is python 3 based ontology manipulation tool.

install using : "py -m pip install owlready"

  1. NLTK tool kit which required to access WordNet synset module
>>>from nltk.corpus import wordnet as wn
>>>wn.synsets('flu', pos=wn.NOUN)

#FileTransfer Module

saved ontology files write(update) top of existing hosted files. key.key file consist with hex encoded password which will be used to ftp connection Login.

ontology files are hosted at domain "http://semantic.com/projects/onto/beyond.owl"