
React Native sample project to list down all time top movies [themoviedb]

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Native Project to list down top movies in themoviedb


Base dependencies

Folder structure

This project follows a very simple folder structure:

  • src: This folder is the main container of all the code inside your application.
    • components: Folder to store any common components.
      • atoms: contain all basic ui components.
      • organism: contain all combined ui elements.
      • wrappers: contain all common component wrappers.
    • redux: contain all redux specific code
      • actions: contain all actions, and expose the combined result using its index.js
      • reducers: contain all reducers, and expose the combined result using its index.js
      • store: state container which holds the application's state
    • routes: contain all the routes.
    • screens: contain all application screens.
      • Screen: screen specific folder.
        • index.js
    • services: contain all service calls.
    • utils: contain helper functions and constants.
    • App.js: Main component that starts whole app.
  • index.js: Entry point of application as per React-Native standards.

Running this app

Before running the app, make sure you run:

git clone https://github.com/isharadilshan/tmovies.git
cd tmovies
npm install or yarn install

Running on iOS

Mac OS and Xcode are required.

cd ./tmovies/ios && pod install
  • Open tmovies/ios/tmovies.xcworkspace in Xcode
  • Hit the Run button

Running on Android

You'll need to have all the prerequisites (SDK, NDK) for Building React Native installed.

cd ./tmovies
react-native run-android

Open the tmovies app in your emulator.