- 4
- 0
Fails when ran against an empty repository
#301 opened by IP1102 - 0
Feature Request: Add Method to Retrieve Lines Added and Removed in Code Churn Metrics.
#298 opened by BrenoFariasdaSilva - 2
- 1
- 0
Add check for Git > 2.38
#274 opened by ishepard - 4
Failed to install pydriller from sources
#293 opened by n-bes - 1
want to get source_code of modified_files
#291 opened by 320010ly - 0
How to identify when a method is renamed.
#290 opened by ricardojob - 0
Adding `Volume` and `Coupling` to DMM
#289 opened by ErnestFistozz - 2
- 2
Repository.traverse_commits() with from_tag and to_tag does not yield any commits
#288 opened by Darnol - 3
"only_modifications_with_file_types" parameter causes "SHA ... could not be resolved" error when traversing commits
#269 opened by MichaelClasby0 - 2
Accessing 'modified_files' causes 'AttributeError: 'Tree' object has no attribute '_name''
#276 opened by SirLich - 1
can I get a whole changed function directly ?
#262 opened by Vela-zz - 4
ENH: Print more informative error message instead of `Cmd('git') failed due to: exit code(128)`
#229 opened by corneliusroemer - 2
- 2
- 2
- 3
In version 2.5, there is an error when traversing between two tags, which is not present in Pydriller version 2.4
#277 opened by armandossrecife - 1
Crashed when want to get info from single commit with thousands of files modified.
#267 opened by Vela-zz - 1
- 20
Version 2.5 Traversing Commits - git.exc.GitCommandError: Cmd('git') failed due to: exit code(129)
#271 opened by k----n - 1
GitCommandError when traversing commits using from_commit and only_modifications_with_file_types.
#268 opened by joaodupont - 7
only_in_branch filter not working
#273 opened by Tommy-TI - 3
traverse_commits missing commits
#272 opened by narvik01 - 3
from_commit filter working incorrectly
#266 opened by IP1102 - 4
Enhancement: add commit categorization feature.
#265 opened by 0x404 - 4
Is there a way to retrieve the entire patch from a Commit object in PyDriller?
#226 opened by workworkwc3 - 3
Getting the commited branch
#227 opened by erenturkm - 1
Make installable through conda-forge
#264 opened by corneliusroemer - 4
Submodule commit causes an error
#260 opened by Creadeyh - 4
Cant iterate over files in angularjs git-repo
#259 opened by Knniff - 1
- 4
Strange behavior of since filter
#255 opened by cmtg - 1
Exception has occurred: ImportError
#254 opened by dmc1778 - 3
- 2
Popup keeps asking me for my github username preventing code from running autonomously.
#250 opened by rogerjbos - 6
Tracking empty files
#248 opened by vincenzorrei - 8
Memory leak over large repos
#230 opened by andreagurioli1995 - 0
How to solve the question that "the list of modifications might is empty if the commit is a merge commit"
#242 opened by cp3-three - 2
The current Repository._get_repo_name_from_url method will not get the correct name if the repo name has ".git" appear in the middle of the name
#236 opened by hatrg - 1
[Document] - Type of "clone_repo_to" in the reference document should be `str` instead of `bool`
#237 opened by hatrg - 3
- 1
Supported languages
#232 opened by SimpleConjugate - 0
Return undecoded content
#224 opened by ishepard - 3
Get The Issue Code That Is Associated a Commit
#228 opened by otonpneto - 1
Does Pydriller have a WebApi?
#225 opened by ErnestFistozz - 0
Add "--follow" option to repository
#223 opened by ishepard - 1
Methods that were renamed
#222 opened by josemiguelpg