
The code for aishell-3 baseline acoustic model

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT



AISHELL-3 is a multi-speaker Mandarin Chinese audio corpus, this repository is the acoustic model for the multi-speaker TTS baseline system described in AISHELL-3: A Multispeaker Mandarin Chinese TTS corpus (arXiv:2010.11567 [cs.SD]).

Audio samples could be found here. Dataset link on OpenSLR : openslr/93

Project Structure

Model structure

synthesizer, feedback_synthesizer and dca_synthesizer defines the model architectures used in this project, all of which are extended tacotron-2 models and share the same file structure.

  • synthesizer is a plain multi-speaker tacotron-2 model, which uses 256-dimensional speaker embeddings as its speaker representation.
  • dca_synthesizer implements Dynamic Convolution Attention as a replacement to tacotron-2’s hybrid attetnion.
  • feedback_synthesizer implements speaker embedding feedback constraint on the acoustic model. The speaker encoder network used in feedback_synthesizer is listed under deep_speaker.

Scripts & Notebooks

  • process_audio.ipynb is an off-line audio feature extraction script, which is used to build the datasets sub-directories.
  • synthesizer_train.py & fc_synthesizer_train.py. We employs a two step strategy in training the baseline acoustic model: first we train a constraint-free model using synthesizer_train.py, then fine-tune the pre-trained model under feedback constraint using the same hyper-parameters with fc_synthesizer_train.py.
  • gvector_extraction.py is used to batch inference speaker embeddings from Mel-spectrograms.
  • debug_syn.ipynb shows the acoustic feature synthesis procedures using trained models.
  • vad.ipynb & longer_sentences.ipynb are used to produce augmented training samples. vad.ipynb is used to trim initial silence segments from the mel-spectrograms using a naive energy based VAD approach. longer_sentences.ipynb produces longer training sentences by concatenating existing samples.


the datasets directory is intended to host training dataset data, one sub-directory for each separate dataset used in the experiment. But this intention was not hard-coded into the scripts, so feel free to do whatever you want, so long as the dataset-directory provided to the train scripts fullfills the requirements listed in the following usage notes.

A skeleton(incomplete) dataset directory is provided in the prject(datasets/aishell3). We provide in this directory the preprocessed train-set texts(with phoneme and prosodic labels) and averaged speaker embeddings as metadata.csv and mean_embeddings respectively.


replace <name> in the following code blocks with appropriate values. detailed usage of jupyter notebooks is described in the notebooks’ markdown blocks and comment sections.

0. Environment Setup

We use anaconda to manage our virtual environment. An exported conda env discription file is provided as environment.yaml. Use conda to create a new virtual environment in order to run the following scripts and notebooks:

$ conda env create -f environment.yaml

This will create a new conda env named aishell3.

1. Synthesis with pre-trained model

  1. Download the pre-trained checkpoints in this repository's release page; (checkpoints for a pretrained acoustic model and speaker encoder is provided here. For the pretrained WaveRNN model used in the synthesis demo(debug_syn.ipynb), please see this repo for information.)

  2. use debug_syn.ipynb to load and inference the model

2. Train Speaker Encoder model

$cd deep_speaker
$CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=<gpus> python train.py

3. Train Synthesizer (without feedback constraint)

  1. Extract audio-features with process_audio.ipynb. An output directory named <dataset_name> should be specified within the notebook. (See the notebook’s content for more information).

  2. (Optional) use vad.ipynb to trim initial silence segments in the extracted mel-spectrograms. We found this preprocess procedure helps speedup model convergence.

  3. Extract speaker embeddings using gvector_extraction.py

$CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=<gpu> python gvector_extraction.py <path-to-dataset-dir> --gvec_ckpt=<path-to-speaker-encoder-checkpoint>
  1. Train base synthesizer, first set the proper batch-size and gpu-numbers in synthesizer/hparams.py:
# file: synthesizer/hprams.py
tacotron_num_gpus = <n_gpus>,
tacotron_batch_size = <bcsz>,

The training code supports data parallelism (samples within one logical batch are evenly spread among designated GPUs). We found that one 11G GTX1080Ti GPU could hold about 16~24 samples per batch.

$CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=<gpus> python synthesizer_train.py <run-name> <path-to-dataset>

note: the directory <path-to-dataset> should have the following sub-directories to correctly run the train script :

    |- mels/            # generated by process_audio.ipynb or vad.ipynb
    |- embeds/      # generated by gvector_extraction.py
    |- train.txt        # generated by process_audio.ipynb

note: Modifications to hparams.py can also be passed to the train script using --hparams argument.

note: the optimization process could be monitored with tensorboard. the tensorboard events are being written to synthesizer/saved_models/logs-<run_name>/tacotron_events during the course of training.

  1. Train feedback synthesizer using pre-trained base synthesizer parameters. First make sure synthesizer/hparams.py and feedback_synthesizer/hparams.py uses consistent model hyper-parameters(e.g. number of Pre-net layers etc.). Then set the pre-trained checkpoint path in hparams.py
# file: feedback_synthesizer/hparams.py
restore_tacotron_path = <path-to-pretrained-tacotron-checkpoint>
restore_spv_path = <path-to-pretrained-speaker-encoder-checkpoint>

$CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=<gpus> python fc_synthesizer_train.py <run-name> <path-to_dataset>