
OpenZeppelin Ethernaut Level 4

Primary LanguageSolidityMIT LicenseMIT

OpenZeppelin Ethernaut Level 4

Wise use of call opcode which works in context of the called contract and changes msg.sender & msg.data during multiple external calls.

Our instance address : 0xC68f749cA7370768189C994980A913515872cC52.

An example we posted in [previous] (https://github.com/ishinu/Phishing-Attack-with-tx.origin) repository named Phishing with tx.origin had similar concept.

If code works in Remix-IDE and not in Rinkeby, possibly it's lacking gas for multiple external calls but not reverting since one call is successfully executing.

  • Increase gas : In metamask,select Advanced Options, and enable *manual* gas fees option and you will be able to manually enter Gas Price (GWEI) and Gas Limit during every new transaction request.