
My VIM configuration & plugins

Primary LanguageVim Script

My .vim directory


$ cd ~
$ git clone https://mariano@github.com/mariano/dot-vim.git .vim
$ cd ~/.vim
$ git submodule update --init
$ cd ~
$ ln -s .vim/.vimrc


CommandT will require an extra step: compilation of the C ruby extension. To do so:

$ cd ~/.vim/bundle-available/command-t/ruby/command-t
$ ruby extconf.rb
$ make

Spaces vs. Tabs

Tab spacing is enabled by default. If on a project you want to swtich to spaces, create a .lvimrc file on the root path of the project with the following contents:

:call Spaces()


If you want to run PHPCS on a project, create a .lvimrc file on the root path of the project, and add the following (make sure your paths match):

:let g:phpqa_codesniffer_args = "--standard=/home/mariano/phpcs-standard.xml"
:let g:phpqa_codesniffer_cmd="/usr/local/bin/phpcs"
:let g:phpqa_messdetector_autorun = 0
:let g:phpqa_codecoverage_autorun = 0
:let g:phpqa_codesniffer_autorun = 1