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Zero To Hero DevOps Roadmaps (Work In Progress)

⚡️Your guide to kickstart your career in DevOps!⚡️
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Welcome to the Zero to Hero DevOps Roadmap Repository – your guide to kick starting and advancing your career in DevOps! Whether you're a beginner or seeking to level up your skills, this repository is designed to provide a structured path for your DevOps journey.

"There is an infinite number of resources available for DevOps. This repository is an effort to consolidate all the resources in a single location and maintain a systematic structure to provide a head start for aspiring DevOps professionals."

As a DevOps Engineer, it's crucial to stay up-to-date with the latest trends.However, before diving into new technologies, it's important to master the fundamentals.Once you have a solid foundation, learning advanced concepts and cutting-edge technologies becomes much easier.

Introduction to DevOps

Before going too much into detail for devops roadmap, lets try to understand about DevOps.

  • What is DevOps?

DevOps is not just a set of tools, but a culture and set of practices that bring together development (Dev) and operations (Ops) teams to collaborate more efficiently throughout the software development lifecycle. It's about breaking down silos, fostering communication, and automating processes to deliver high-quality software faster and more reliably.

  • Why is DevOps Popular?

Speed and Efficiency: DevOps accelerates the development cycle, enabling faster and more frequent releases.

Collaboration: It promotes collaboration between development and operations teams, fostering a shared responsibility for the entire software delivery process.

Quality: By integrating automated testing and continuous monitoring, DevOps enhances software quality and reduces defects.

Agility: DevOps allows for rapid adaptation to changes in requirements, ensuring the software meets evolving needs.

  • What Makes DevOps Different?

Breaking Silos: Traditional development and operations teams often work in isolation, leading to communication gaps. DevOps breaks down these silos, promoting collaboration and shared goals.

Automation: DevOps heavily relies on automation to streamline processes, from code integration and testing to deployment and monitoring.

Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): DevOps emphasizes CI/CD pipelines, enabling frequent and reliable software releases.

Feedback Loops: Regular feedback loops, including monitoring and user feedback, allow for continuous improvement and faster issue resolution.

Roadmap Structure

As we all know DevOps is a never ending learning curve, however I would include at least the below technologies/concepts as a must know to be a DevOps Engineer. In my personal opinion the list can be followed in the mentioned order but not only limited to.

  1. Linux Operation System 🚧
  2. Fundamentals Of Networking
  3. At Least One Public Cloud
  4. Version Control System
  5. Infrastructure As Code
  6. containerization
  7. Fundamentals Of Progamming Language


DevOps Engineering is not at all limited to above concepts, but they are considered to be the most fundamentals.


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Released under MIT by @ishuar.


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