

This is a project utilize rabbitmq to asynchronously update the database with the data collected from a websocket stream.

There are 2 repositories involved. One is the producer repo async-db-update-producer and the other is the consumer repo async-db-update-consumer. Alternatively, there is another consumer application in async-db-update-consumer-spring repo. The purpose of creating this repo is to compare the difference between the pure java application and the spring boot application.

Procedure breakdown

  1. Producer application establishes a websocket connection with Alpaca server and then completes the authentication process.
  2. Producer application subscribes to the stock price real time data.
  3. In order not to let the sudden data surge caused by the market spike effect the application performance, the producer does not handle synchronous functions such as data tuple insertion. The producer pushes events to the message queue.
  4. The rabbitMq server routes the events to the consumer application.
  5. The consumer application receives the event and transform the data from string to the trade record object.
  6. The consumer application inserts the trade record to the database.

Data source

US stock market data from Alpaca websocket stream


Sample data from the subscribed stream:

Attribute Data type description
T string message type, always “t”
S string symbol
i int trade ID
x string exchange code where the trade occurred
p decimal trade price
s int trade size
t string RFC-3339 formatted timestamp with nanosecond precision.
c string[] trade condition
z string tape

The corresponding relational database schema is as below:

Table name: trade_data

Column name data type
symbol char(10)
trade_id int
exchange_code char(10)
price decimal
quantity int
timestamp timestamp

Getting start

  1. Preparation

    • Prepare a Alpaca paper account
    • Rename key.sample.config file to key.config in producer repo and specify the API key and secret key in the configuration file
    • Install postgresql locally (To utilize docker container is also fine.)
    brew install postgresql
    brew services start postgresql
    • Create a database stock_db in local db server
    psql postgres
    CREATE DATABASE stock_db;
    • Creata a user for stock_db.
    CREATE USER stock_user WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD '<password>';
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGE ON DATABASE stock_db TO stock_user;
    • Rename application.sample.yml file to application.ymp in consumer repo and specify the url, username and password.
    • Reconnect to the newly created database and create a table.
    psql -U stock_user -d stock_db -f <project-root-directory>/src/main/resources/table_creation.sql
  2. Run rabbitmq server locally

    docker run -it --rm --name rabbitmq -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 rabbitmq:3.9-management
  3. Run DB server

    brew services start postgresql
  4. Run consumer application

  5. Run producer application