
A sweet canvas game

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


A sweet 2D canvas game. With your awesome suit, you can jump from planet to planet to conquer them!

Try it here!

Why the name?

Getkey: What about "jumpsuit"
Flowi: #agreed
Getkey: The story would be
Getkey: I am the hero
Getkey: Oh, a chest
Getkey: What is that
Getkey: A suit
* Getkey wears suit
Flowi: :O
* Getkey jumps
Flowi: :OOO
Getkey: #OMG
Flowi: #epic

Supported environnements

Currently, we only support Firefox and Chrome, because we use many recent additions to JavaScript. The server requires Node.js 6.0.0 or above.

Program architecture

JumpSuit works in a decentralised way: anyone can create a game server. After registering (automatically) to the master server, your game server will be listed on jumpsuit.space for players, who will be able to play directly on it. For security reasons however, the assets and scripts are served by the master server.

How to build

$ npm install
$ node build/bundler.js

If you plan to host your own master server, don't forget to set the dev option.

How to run

Once the project is built, if you want to create a public game server, here is what you need to do:

$ node game_server_bundle.js

But if you are developing or running a LAN, you need to also make your own master server. Don't forget to set the dev option (see below). Yes, that means you have to set it in two different config files.

$ node master_server.js

Then you can access your master server at http://localhost in your browser.


Game server configuration

The game server needs a configuration file. The default file is game_config.json, but it is also possible to choose which to use:

$ node game_server.js path/to/your/config.json

In any case, if it doesn't exists, it will be created.

You can modify settings without having to restart the server.

In this file you can set the following parameters:

Parameter Explanation Default Variable type
dev Enable debug messages false boolean
master The master server your server registers to. If your host your own master server it should look like "ws://localhost:8080" "ws://jumpsuit.space" string
monitor Displays a neat view of the lobbys in real-time false boolean
port Set the game server's port 7483 integer
secure Set this to true if your server is behind ssl. If you don't know, stick to the default value false boolean
server_name The name the master associates your server with "JumpSuit server" string

Master server configuration

The master server's configuration works the same way as the game server's, all parameters are saved in a file. Its default filename is master_server.json, but you can also choose another one:

$ node master_server.js path/to/your/config.json

In this file you can set the following parameters:

Parameter Explanation Default Variable type
dev Enable debug messages. Enable automatic reload of modified files (if you add a new file, you'll have to restart the server). Get resources from local files instead of jumpsuit.space1 true boolean
ipv4_provider The URL of a web service which should return an IPv4 as plain text. You can also set your IP directly "https://ipv4.icanhazip.com/" string
ipv6_provider The URL of a web service which should return an IPv6 as plain text. You can also set your IP directly "https://ipv6.icanhazip.com/" string
monitor Displays a neat view of the connected game servers in real-time false boolean
port Set the game server's port 80 integer

Build configuration

Parameter Explanation Default Variable type
dev Get resources from local files instead of jumpsuit.space1. Append a source map to the bundle true boolean
mod Choose the server's gamemode "capture" string


1: Since a lot of tiny assets must be served, (which is inefficent with HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1), on jumpsuit.space, http2 is used. However, browsers do not accept HTTP/2 without SSL. We cannot make jumpsuit.space SSL-only, because it brings more latency (which is not okay for game websockets) and because that would mean third-party developpers wanting to register a game server on the master server at jumpsuit.space would have to get a SSL certificate. So; everything but game server sockets and the index.html is encrypted, and thus, we cannot use protocol relative URLs to access ressources. The problem is that a developper on localhost would get assets and scripts from jumpsuit.space. To prevent this, the dev option rewrites files to replace URLs pointing to jumpsuit.space with protocol relative URLs.