
QuizWit is a Multiple Choice Questions based Quiz application in PHP.

It is designed to be lightweight, easy to use and extendable.

User Category

  1. Admin
  2. Candidate

Admin Panel Features

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Creating Quiz

  • Quiz Name
  • Difficulty level
  • Description
  • Number of Questions
  • Exam Key
  • Time Duration
  • Marks per Question
  • Negative Marking
  • Passing Percentage
  • Quiz Status

Update Quiz

Update or Delete Questions from questionnaire.

Expand Quiz

Add more question to a questionnaire.

Delete Quiz

Delete's Quiz and related information such as questions from question bank, attempts, feedback.

Quiz Status

  • Active Quiz is accessible to candidates (LIVE)

  • Inactive Quiz is inaccessible

Public Access

  • Exam key : Reveal exam key publicly or share it via social network

  • Evaluation : Reveal score in a generalized report immediately after exam submission or conceal it for revealing only score.


Attempts view order by score and timestamp.


Candidate's response


  • Candidates simply login via Name and E-mail

  • Select Exam

  • Provide Key

  • Related Instructions will appear

  • Start Quiz

Exam page Features

  • Switch Questions
  • Mark as review
  • Counts Attempted and Remaining Questions
  • Report Questions
  • Page reloading is permitted exam status will persist till session existence

Basic Proctoring

  • Switching from exam window such as opening new tab or window is prohibited
  • Involving in such activity will lead to automatic submission of exam


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Quiz Page

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Report a Question

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