The original multi-class single character leveling script for Kolbot. Blizzhackers / Kolbot from level 1 to 99. After the initial setup, the bot will operate without user involvement.
- Almighty1g
- Archon-Potions Lab
- azandrew123
- budderflymoo
- cashlalalaTaipei, Taiwan
- clintonbaleOntario, Canada
- copy0401
- darkfriend77BloGa Tech AG
- Despex94
- directionalpadFlorida
- dokaebiz
- ForestRock22
- ircopdd
- Jagermeister56
- jonasmelloSão Lourenço do Sul - RS
- juaudetMontreal
- maraudong
- Myenny
- n6vrsurr6ndr
- ownadiGdańsk, Poland
- pawelsadlo2
- Pinchiscoalarcon
- Rhaedyr
- RiesArgent
- RocinRykor
- s0nders
- Safini323
- theBGuy
- tianvay
- tolgasumerBerlin
- twotop220
- VikinGsX
- VikinGsX2
- YewZi
- yurielk
- zaitaohema