
Ruby SDK for Atlassian Tempo time tracking app

Primary LanguageRuby


OpenapiClient - the Ruby gem for the REST API documentation

Base Path: https://api.tempo.io/4

This documentation is for version 4 of the Tempo REST API, which is the latest version. To read documentation for version 3 of the Tempo REST API, click here

We encourage you to join our developer community on Slack at www.tempo.io/developers, where you can get support from our internal experts and share best practices with other developers building with Tempo.

If you have feedback or requests, you can also reach us through our Customer Support Portal. You can find general product information in the Tempo Help Center.

Below are links to other Tempo APIs.

  • Audit API
  • Cost-Tracker API
  • Jira Links API


Using the REST API as an individual user

You can use the REST API to interact with the data your permissions give you access to. To do so, you will need to generate a Tempo OAuth 2.0 token.

Go to Tempo>Settings, scroll down to Data Access and select API integration.

Once you have a token, you need to use it inside the Authorization HTTP header. Ex:

curl -v -H \"Authorization: Bearer $token\" \"https://api.tempo.io/4/worklogs?...\"

Using the REST API as an application developer

If you are building apps with Tempo, and have the required Tempo administrator permissions, you can quickly obtain the OAuth 2.0 credentials you need to retrieve an access token. Access tokens grant temporary, secure access to Tempo, based on your current permissions.

Obtain your credentials

Go to Tempo>Settings, scroll down to Data Access and select OAuth 2.0 authentication.

Enter a Redirect URI and specify the Client type and Authorization grant type. In most cases you will choose Authorization code as the Authorization grant type.

Once you click Add, your Client ID and Client secret are generated and you can retrieve your access token.

How to retrieve an access token for a user

Authorization grant type used is authorization_code

Step 1

Obtain an authorization code against your Jira Cloud instance :

GET: https://{jira-cloud-instance-name}.atlassian.net/plugins/servlet/ac/io.tempo.jira/oauth-authorize/?client_id=$CLIENT_ID&redirect_uri=$REDIRECT_URI

Where $CLIENT_ID and $REDIRECT_URI match the one you generated in Tempo > Settings > OAuth 2.0 Applications

You will be asked to authorize or deny access to your Tempo data. Granting access redirects you to the configured redirect URI with a new query string parameter named code (this is the authorization code). Note that this authorization code expires quickly.

![MyApp Request Access](myapp-request-access.png "MyApp Request Access")

Step 2

Obtain an access token from Tempo by providing the authorization code to:

POST: https://api.tempo.io/oauth/token/

sending the following parameters using the "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" format:

grant_type = \"authorization_code\"
client_id = $CLIENT_ID
client_secret = $CLIENT_SECRET
redirect_uri = $REDIRECT_URI
code = $CODE

The response includes the access token itself, related information, and a refresh token.

  \"scope\":\"read write\",
Step 3

Provide this access token to any API requests using the Authorization header :

curl -H \"Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN\" \"https://api.tempo.io/4/worklogs?from=2022-01-28&to=2022-02-03\"

The access token will expire after the number of seconds specified in the expires_in field and will no longer be usable.

How to retrieve a new access token from the refresh token

The access token will eventually expire. You need to renew it using the previously received refresh token:

POST: https://api.tempo.io/oauth/token/

sending the following parameters using the "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" format:

grant_type = \"refresh_token\"
client_id = $CLIENT_ID
client_secret = $CLIENT_SECRET
redirect_uri = $REDIRECT_URI
refresh_token = $REFRESH_TOKEN

The response will contain a new access token and a new refresh token. You'll need to utilize these new tokens for future calls, as the previous ones will no longer be valid.

How to revoke a token

You can revoke an existing access token at any time:

POST: https://api.tempo.io/oauth/revoke_token/

sending the following parameters using the "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" format:

token_type_hint = \"access_token\"
client_id = $CLIENT_ID
client_secret = $CLIENT_SECRET

You can also revoke an existing refresh token:

POST: https://api.tempo.io/oauth/revoke_token/

sending the following parameters using the "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" format:

  token_type_hint = \"refresh_token\"
  client_id = $CLIENT_ID
  client_secret = $CLIENT_SECRET
  token = $REFRESH_TOKEN

API conventions

Identifying users

The Tempo REST API uses the Atlassian accountId to identify users. The accountId is an opaque identifier that uniquely identifies the user.

The accountId of the current user can found using the Jira Myself API.

Information about a user, given the accountId, can be retrieved using the Jira User API.


The API uses strings to represent dates. Dates are formatted as ISO 8601 calendar dates (YYYY-MM-DD). For example, March 29th, 2019 is formatted as 2019-03-29.

Delete requests

On success, delete requests return a response with status code 204 (No content). No payload body is included in the response.


A few endpoints accept query parameters of type array. That is achieved by repeating the parameter multiple times, e.g. to get worklogs from three projects:



The API uses standard HTTP status codes to indicate the success or failure of the API call.

Here are a list of different types of error responses

Status code Description Content type
400 Bad Request application/json
401 Unauthorized text/html
403 Forbidden text/html
404 Not Found application/json

The body of the JSON response will be in the following format:

  \"errors\": {
    \"message\": \"Error details\"

An example of 400 error

    \"errors\": {
      \"message\": \"'date' must be valid on the format: 'yyyy-MM-dd'\"

An example of 404 error

    \"errors\": {
      \"message\": \"Account 'xyz' not found\"

This SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: 4.0
  • Package version: 1.0.0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.RubyClientCodegen


Build a gem

To build the Ruby code into a gem:

gem build openapi_client.gemspec

Then either install the gem locally:

gem install ./openapi_client-1.0.0.gem

(for development, run gem install --dev ./openapi_client-1.0.0.gem to install the development dependencies)

or publish the gem to a gem hosting service, e.g. RubyGems.

Finally add this to the Gemfile:

gem 'openapi_client', '~> 1.0.0'

Install from Git

If the Ruby gem is hosted at a git repository: https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID, then add the following in the Gemfile:

gem 'openapi_client', :git => 'https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID.git'

Include the Ruby code directly

Include the Ruby code directly using -I as follows:

ruby -Ilib script.rb

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:

# Load the gem
require 'openapi_client'

api_instance = OpenapiClient::AccountCategoriesApi.new
opts = {
  category_input: OpenapiClient::CategoryInput.new({key: 'CLOUDBAY_DEVELOPMENT', name: 'Cloudbay: Development'}) # CategoryInput | 

  #Create Category
  result = api_instance.create_category(opts)
  p result
rescue OpenapiClient::ApiError => e
  puts "Exception when calling AccountCategoriesApi->create_category: #{e}"

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to https://api.tempo.io/4

Class Method HTTP request Description
OpenapiClient::AccountCategoriesApi create_category POST /account-categories Create Category
OpenapiClient::AccountCategoriesApi delete_category DELETE /account-categories/{key} Delete Category
OpenapiClient::AccountCategoriesApi get_categories GET /account-categories Retrieve Category / Retrieve all Categories
OpenapiClient::AccountCategoriesApi get_category_by_key GET /account-categories/{key} Retrieve Category
OpenapiClient::AccountCategoriesApi update_category PUT /account-categories/{key} Update Category
OpenapiClient::AccountCategoryTypesApi get_types GET /account-category-types Retrieve Category Types
OpenapiClient::AccountLinksApi create_link POST /account-links Create Account Link
OpenapiClient::AccountLinksApi delete_link DELETE /account-links/{id} Delete Account Link
OpenapiClient::AccountLinksApi get_link GET /account-links/{id} Retrieve Account Link
OpenapiClient::AccountLinksApi get_links_by_project GET /account-links/project/{id} Retrieve Account Link by Project
OpenapiClient::AccountsApi create_account POST /accounts Create new Account
OpenapiClient::AccountsApi delete_account DELETE /accounts/{key} Delete Account
OpenapiClient::AccountsApi get_account_by_id GET /accounts/{id} Retrieve Account
OpenapiClient::AccountsApi get_account_links GET /accounts/{key}/links Retrieve Account links
OpenapiClient::AccountsApi get_accounts GET /accounts Retrieve Accounts
OpenapiClient::AccountsApi search_accounts POST /accounts/search Search Accounts
OpenapiClient::AccountsApi update_account PUT /accounts/{key} Update Account
OpenapiClient::CustomersApi create_customer POST /customers Create Customer
OpenapiClient::CustomersApi delete_customer DELETE /customers/{key} Delete Customer
OpenapiClient::CustomersApi get_customer_accounts GET /customers/{id}/accounts Retrieve Accounts associated with the Customer
OpenapiClient::CustomersApi get_customer_by_id GET /customers/{id} Retrieve Customer
OpenapiClient::CustomersApi get_customers GET /customers Retrieve all Customers
OpenapiClient::CustomersApi update_customer PUT /customers/{key} Update Customer
OpenapiClient::GenericResourceTeamMembersApi add_resource_to_team POST /teams/{teamId}/generic-resources Add Generic Resource to Team
OpenapiClient::GenericResourceTeamMembersApi get_generic_resource_team_member GET /teams/{teamId}/generic-resources/{resourceId} Retrieve Generic Resource for Team
OpenapiClient::GenericResourceTeamMembersApi get_resources_in_team GET /teams/{teamId}/generic-resources Retrieve Generic Resources for Team
OpenapiClient::GenericResourceTeamMembersApi remove_generic_resource_from_team DELETE /teams/{teamId}/generic-resources/{resourceId} Delete Generic Resource from Team
OpenapiClient::GenericResourcesApi create_generic_resource POST /generic-resources Create Generic Resource
OpenapiClient::GenericResourcesApi delete_generic_resource DELETE /generic-resources/{id} Delete Generic Resource
OpenapiClient::GenericResourcesApi edit_generic_resource PUT /generic-resources/{id} Update Generic Resource
OpenapiClient::GenericResourcesApi get_generic_resource GET /generic-resources/{id} Retrieve Generic Resource
OpenapiClient::GenericResourcesApi search_generic_resources POST /generic-resources/search Search Generic Resources
OpenapiClient::GlobalConfigurationsApi get_global_configuration GET /globalconfiguration Retrieve Global Configurations
OpenapiClient::HolidaySchemesApi create_holiday POST /holiday-schemes/{schemeId}/holidays Add holiday
OpenapiClient::HolidaySchemesApi create_holiday_scheme POST /holiday-schemes Add holiday scheme
OpenapiClient::HolidaySchemesApi delete_holiday DELETE /holiday-schemes/{schemeId}/holidays/{holidayId} Delete holiday
OpenapiClient::HolidaySchemesApi delete_holiday_scheme DELETE /holiday-schemes/{schemeId} Delete a holiday scheme
OpenapiClient::HolidaySchemesApi get_floating_holidays GET /holiday-schemes/{schemeId}/holidays/floating Get floating holidays
OpenapiClient::HolidaySchemesApi get_holiday GET /holiday-schemes/{schemeId}/holidays/{holidayId} Get holiday
OpenapiClient::HolidaySchemesApi get_holiday_scheme GET /holiday-schemes/{schemeId} Get holiday scheme
OpenapiClient::HolidaySchemesApi get_holiday_schemes GET /holiday-schemes Get holiday schemes
OpenapiClient::HolidaySchemesApi get_holidays GET /holiday-schemes/{schemeId}/holidays Get holidays
OpenapiClient::HolidaySchemesApi get_user_holiday_scheme GET /holiday-schemes/users/{accountId} Get user scheme
OpenapiClient::HolidaySchemesApi get_workload_scheme_members GET /holiday-schemes/{schemeId}/members Get members in a holiday scheme
OpenapiClient::HolidaySchemesApi set_default_scheme PUT /holiday-schemes/{schemeId}/default Set the default holiday scheme
OpenapiClient::HolidaySchemesApi set_workload_scheme_membership POST /holiday-schemes/{schemeId}/members Set holiday scheme to members
OpenapiClient::HolidaySchemesApi update_holiday PUT /holiday-schemes/{schemeId}/holidays/{holidayId} Update a holiday
OpenapiClient::HolidaySchemesApi update_holiday_scheme PUT /holiday-schemes/{schemeId} Update a holiday scheme
OpenapiClient::PeriodsApi get_periods GET /periods Retrieve Periods
OpenapiClient::PermissionRolesApi create_permission_group POST /permission-roles Create Permission Role
OpenapiClient::PermissionRolesApi delete_editable_permission_group DELETE /permission-roles/{id} Delete Permission Role
OpenapiClient::PermissionRolesApi get_global_permission_roles GET /permission-roles/global Retrieve Global Permission Roles
OpenapiClient::PermissionRolesApi get_permission_role GET /permission-roles/{id} Retrieve Permission Role
OpenapiClient::PermissionRolesApi get_permission_roles GET /permission-roles Retrieve Permission Roles
OpenapiClient::PermissionRolesApi update_permission_group PUT /permission-roles/{id} Update Permission Role
OpenapiClient::PlansApi create_plan POST /plans Create Plan
OpenapiClient::PlansApi delete_plan_by_id DELETE /plans/{id} Delete Plan
OpenapiClient::PlansApi get_plan_by_id GET /plans/{id} Retrieve Plan
OpenapiClient::PlansApi get_plans POST /plans/search Search Plans
OpenapiClient::PlansApi get_plans_for_generic_resource GET /plans/generic-resource/{genericResourceId} Retrieve Plans for Generic Resource
OpenapiClient::PlansApi get_plans_for_user GET /plans/user/{accountId} Retrieve Plans for User
OpenapiClient::PlansApi update_plan PUT /plans/{id} Update Plan
OpenapiClient::ProgramApi create_program POST /programs Create Program
OpenapiClient::ProgramApi delete_program DELETE /programs/{id} Delete Program
OpenapiClient::ProgramApi get_program_by_id GET /programs/{id} Retrieve Program
OpenapiClient::ProgramApi get_programs GET /programs Retrieve all Programs
OpenapiClient::ProgramApi get_teams_by_program_id GET /programs/{id}/teams Retrieve Teams associated with Program
OpenapiClient::ProgramApi update_program PUT /programs/{id} Update Program
OpenapiClient::RolesApi create_role POST /roles Create new Role
OpenapiClient::RolesApi delete_role DELETE /roles/{id} Delete Role
OpenapiClient::RolesApi get_all_roles GET /roles Retrieve Roles
OpenapiClient::RolesApi get_default_role GET /roles/default Retrieve default Role
OpenapiClient::RolesApi get_role_by_id GET /roles/{id} Retrieve Role by id
OpenapiClient::RolesApi update_role PUT /roles/{id} Update Role
OpenapiClient::SkillAssignmentsApi assign_skills POST /skill-assignments Assign Skills for Resource
OpenapiClient::SkillAssignmentsApi get_skill_assignments GET /skill-assignments/{assigneeId}/{assigneeType} Retrieve Skill Assignments for Resource
OpenapiClient::SkillAssignmentsApi remove_skill_assignment DELETE /skill-assignments/{assigneeId}/{assigneeType}/{skillId} Delete skill of the Resource
OpenapiClient::SkillAssignmentsApi replace_skill_assignments POST /skill-assignments/replace Replace skills for Resource
OpenapiClient::SkillsApi create_skill POST /skills Create Skill
OpenapiClient::SkillsApi delete_skill DELETE /skills/{id} Delete Skill
OpenapiClient::SkillsApi get_skill GET /skills/{id} Retrieve Skill
OpenapiClient::SkillsApi get_skills GET /skills Retrieve Skills
OpenapiClient::SkillsApi update_skill PUT /skills/{id} Update Skill
OpenapiClient::TeamApi create_team POST /teams Create Team
OpenapiClient::TeamApi delete_team DELETE /teams/{id} Delete Team
OpenapiClient::TeamApi get_team_by_id GET /teams/{id} Retrieve Team
OpenapiClient::TeamApi get_team_links GET /teams/{id}/links Retrieve Links from Team
OpenapiClient::TeamApi get_teams GET /teams Retrieve Teams
OpenapiClient::TeamApi update_team PUT /teams/{id} Update Team
OpenapiClient::TeamLinksApi create_team_link POST /team-links Create Team Link
OpenapiClient::TeamLinksApi delete_team_link DELETE /team-links/{linkId} Delete Team Link
OpenapiClient::TeamLinksApi get_team_link GET /team-links/{linkId} Retrieve Team Link
OpenapiClient::TeamLinksApi get_team_link_by_project_id GET /team-links/project/{id} Retrieve Team Link by Project
OpenapiClient::TeamMembershipsApi create_membership POST /team-memberships Create Membership
OpenapiClient::TeamMembershipsApi delete_membership DELETE /team-memberships/{id} Delete Membership
OpenapiClient::TeamMembershipsApi get_all_memberships GET /team-memberships/team/{teamId} Retrieve Memberships for Team
OpenapiClient::TeamMembershipsApi get_membership GET /team-memberships/{id} Retrieve Membership
OpenapiClient::TeamMembershipsApi update_membership PUT /team-memberships/{id} Update Membership
OpenapiClient::TimesheetApprovalsApi approve_timesheet_for_user POST /timesheet-approvals/user/{accountId}/approve Approve Timesheet
OpenapiClient::TimesheetApprovalsApi get_timesheet_approval_for_team GET /timesheet-approvals/team/{teamId} Retrieve Timesheet Approval for Team
OpenapiClient::TimesheetApprovalsApi get_timesheet_approval_for_user GET /timesheet-approvals/user/{accountId} Retrieve current Timesheet approval
OpenapiClient::TimesheetApprovalsApi get_timesheet_approvals_waiting_for_approval GET /timesheet-approvals/waiting Retrieve Timesheets waiting for approval
OpenapiClient::TimesheetApprovalsApi get_timesheet_reviewers_for_user GET /timesheet-approvals/user/{accountId}/reviewers Retrieve Timesheet reviewers for User
OpenapiClient::TimesheetApprovalsApi reject_timesheet_for_user POST /timesheet-approvals/user/{accountId}/reject Reject Timesheet
OpenapiClient::TimesheetApprovalsApi reopen_timesheet_for_user POST /timesheet-approvals/user/{accountId}/reopen Reopen Timesheet
OpenapiClient::TimesheetApprovalsApi submit_timesheet_for_user POST /timesheet-approvals/user/{accountId}/submit Submit Timesheet
OpenapiClient::UserScheduleApi get_authenticated_user_schedule GET /user-schedule Retrieve logged User Schedule
OpenapiClient::UserScheduleApi get_user_schedule GET /user-schedule/{accountId} Retrieve User Schedule
OpenapiClient::WorkAttributesApi create_work_attributes POST /work-attributes Create Work Attribute
OpenapiClient::WorkAttributesApi delete_work_attribute_by_key DELETE /work-attributes/{key} Delete Work Attribute
OpenapiClient::WorkAttributesApi get_work_attribute_by_key GET /work-attributes/{key} Retrieve Work Attribute
OpenapiClient::WorkAttributesApi get_work_attributes GET /work-attributes Retrieve Work Attributes
OpenapiClient::WorkAttributesApi update_work_attribute_by_key PUT /work-attributes/{key} Update Work Attribute
OpenapiClient::WorkloadSchemesApi create_workload_scheme POST /workload-schemes Create Workload Scheme
OpenapiClient::WorkloadSchemesApi delete_workload_scheme DELETE /workload-schemes/{id} Delete Workload Scheme
OpenapiClient::WorkloadSchemesApi get_user_workload_scheme GET /workload-schemes/users/{accountId} Retrieve Workload Scheme for User
OpenapiClient::WorkloadSchemesApi get_workload_scheme_by_id GET /workload-schemes/{id} Retrieve Workload Scheme
OpenapiClient::WorkloadSchemesApi get_workload_scheme_members1 GET /workload-schemes/{id}/members Retrieve Members of Workload Scheme
OpenapiClient::WorkloadSchemesApi get_workload_schemes GET /workload-schemes Retrieve Workload Schemes
OpenapiClient::WorkloadSchemesApi set_default_workload_scheme PUT /workload-schemes/{id}/default Set default Workload Scheme
OpenapiClient::WorkloadSchemesApi set_workload_scheme_for_users POST /workload-schemes/{id}/members Add Users to Workload Scheme
OpenapiClient::WorkloadSchemesApi update_workload_scheme PUT /workload-schemes/{id} Update Workload Scheme
OpenapiClient::WorklogsApi create_work_attribute_values_for_worklogs POST /worklogs/work-attribute-values Bulk create Work Attribute values for Worklogs
OpenapiClient::WorklogsApi create_worklog POST /worklogs Create Worklog
OpenapiClient::WorklogsApi delete_worklog DELETE /worklogs/{id} Delete Worklog
OpenapiClient::WorklogsApi get_jira_worklog_ids_by_tempo_worklog_ids POST /worklogs/tempo-to-jira Retrieve Jira Worklog ids by Tempo Worklog ids
OpenapiClient::WorklogsApi get_work_attribute_value_for_worklog GET /worklogs/{id}/work-attribute-values/{key} Retrieve Work Attribute value for Worklog
OpenapiClient::WorklogsApi get_work_attribute_values_for_worklog GET /worklogs/{id}/work-attribute-values Retrieve Work Attribute values for Worklog
OpenapiClient::WorklogsApi get_worklog_by_id GET /worklogs/{id} Retrieve Worklog
OpenapiClient::WorklogsApi get_worklogs GET /worklogs Retrieve Worklogs
OpenapiClient::WorklogsApi get_worklogs_by_account GET /worklogs/account/{accountKey} Search Worklogs associated to Account
OpenapiClient::WorklogsApi get_worklogs_by_issue_id GET /worklogs/issue/{issueId} Search Worklogs associated to Issue id
OpenapiClient::WorklogsApi get_worklogs_by_project_id GET /worklogs/project/{projectId} Retrieve Worklogs associated to projectId
OpenapiClient::WorklogsApi get_worklogs_by_team GET /worklogs/team/{teamId} Search Worklogs associated to Team
OpenapiClient::WorklogsApi get_worklogs_by_user GET /worklogs/user/{accountId} Search Worklogs associated to User
OpenapiClient::WorklogsApi search_worklogs POST /worklogs/search Search Worklogs
OpenapiClient::WorklogsApi update_worklog PUT /worklogs/{id} Update Worklog

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization

All endpoints do not require authorization.