
This tool will send your burp collaborator's client interactions to your discord server

Primary LanguagePython

Burp Collaborator to Discord

This tool will poll a Burp Collaborator domain's client interactions and will notify those interactions to the user through Discord Webhooks.


This script requires the requests library - https://pypi.org/project/requests/. Install it by running pip install requests.


  • Install Wireshark
  • Start capturing the data packets from your network adapter
  • Start Burpsuite
  • Visit Project Options -> Misc and then tick the Poll over unencrypted HTTP option
  • Open the Burp Collaborator and click Copy to clipboard then click Poll now
  • Make sure to notedown the collaborator domain somewhere or just add the domain to the value of cdomain in ./settings.json
  • Now, check the wireshark and filter the HTTP packets
  • Find, HTTP request(s) to http://polling.oastify.com/burpresults or https://polling.burpcollaborator.net/burpresults (Old versions of burpsuite will use this one)
  • Extract the Collaborator URL and the BIID from the HTTP request as shown below.
  • Paste the value of Collaborator URL in polling-endpoint key in ./settings.json
  • Paste the value of BIID in biid key in ./settings.json
  • Now, create a discord server and create a new text channel.
  • Under channel settings, goto Integrations and create a new webhook.
  • Now copy the webhook URL and then paste the webhook URL inside the dWebhook key in ./settings.json
  • Finally, your ./settings.json should be completed and the script is ready to be executed.


You can execute the script by running python3 main.py. When running the script first time, you will receive a test HTTP request to the collaborator from the script.


You can customize your discord message templates by editing txt files under the templates folder.