
like instagram, but for all of the photos of your =^.^=

Primary LanguageCSS


Ruby on Rails RESTful back-end, Single-Page BackboneJS front-end

Phase 1

Built authentication system from scratch that allows users to create accounts and log in. Uses BCrypt to encrypt user passwords to not store them directly in the db.

Phase 2

Combines Paperclip/Filereader API/AWS API/Figaro so users to upload photos(raw image data) from their machine to AWS.

Phase 3

Users can create and edit their profile information that is displayed on their profile page.

Phase 4

Users have a profile page that displays a gallery of all of the photos they've ever posted.

Phase 5

Users can "follow"/"unfollow" other users to control what content is in their main feed.

Phase 6

Users can "like"/"unlike" posts.

Phase 7

Users can leave comments on photos.

Phase 8

Uses KineticJS and CamanJS canvas rendering libraries to allow users apply filters and edit photos before they get posted.

Phase 9

Uses BackboneJS on the front-end to create a fast single-paged experience.


Created by @isisAnchalee