
Set of utilities for fast manage the Magento 1.X

Primary LanguagePHP


Set of utilities for fast manage Magento 1.X


  1. Simplify the debugging of Magento
  2. Simplify the switching of modules which have a lot of dependencies and depends from other
  3. Make the support of Magento more interesting and amusing yet :)


  1. PHP 5.3+ (cli)
  2. Unix-based OS


  1. Clone this repository locally
  2. Set permissions of bin/mage.phar for executing chmod +x magetools/bin/mage.phar
  3. Link mage.phar into your local ~/bin folder ln -s `pwd`/magetools/bin/mage.phar ~/bin/mage.phar

How to use it?

Just run $ mage.phar and you will get following usage infomation:

    mage.phar -h | --help
    mage.phar <command> [<args>]

    -h --help           Show this screen

The most commonly used mage commands are:
    --v | --version         Show Magento version
    --mt | --modtree        Show module(-s) dependencies tree
    --em | --enmod          Enable specified module
    --dm | --dismod         Disable specified module
    --edm | --endevmode     Enable MAGE_IS_DEVELOPER_MODE
    --ddm | --disdevmode    Disable MAGE_IS_DEVELOPER_MODE
    --ep | --enprof         Enable Varien_Profiler
    --dp | --disprof        Disable Varien_Profiler
    --esd | --ensqldebug    Enable SQL debug
    --dsd | --dissqldebug   Disable SQL debug
    --c | --cache           Show cache information
    --cc | --cache-clean    Clean cache
    --ce | --cache-enable   Enable cache
    --cd | --cache-disable  Disable cache