- GABA Iskander
RabbitMQ, duh.
Compile the Java classes and binary files.
cd src
Start a chat Main
like this:
cd ../bin
java -cp Main.jar:../lib/* Main topology-connected
For convenience, we used the latest RabbitMQ broker Docker version. It will spin up for you automatically from the Makefile
Stop the RabbitMQ broker Docker container, remove it, and remove compiled .class
cd ../src
make clean
- Parse an adjacency matrix, check it represents a connected graph, and make RabbitMQ nodes from it.
- Find the shortest path between each two nodes and create a routing table for each node such that a node knows just the next hop it should make in order to reach a given target node.
- RabbitMQ nodes can send, route, and receive messages.
- OpenJDK v11 or higher.
- Docker v19 or higher up and running.