
PyTorch Framework for Developing Memory Efficient Deep Invertible Networks

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


a PyTorch Framework for Developing Memory Efficient Deep Invertible Networks

Reference: Sil C. van de Leemput, Jonas Teuwen, Rashindra Manniesing. MemCNN: a Framework for Developing Memory Efficient Deep Invertible Networks. International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) 2018 Workshop Track. (https://iclr.cc/)


This repository comes with the MIT license, which implies everyone has the right to use, copy, distribute and/or modify this work. If you do, please cite our work.


Using NVIDIA docker


  • NVIDIA graphics card and the proper NVIDIA-drivers on your system
  • nvidia-docker installed on your system

The following bash commands will clone this repository and do a one-time build of the docker image with the right environment installed:

git clone https://github.com/silvandeleemput/memcnn.git
docker build ./memcnn/docker --tag=memcnn-docker

After the one-time install on your machine, the docker can be invoked by:

docker run --shm-size=4g --runtime=nvidia -it memcnn-docker

This will open a preconfigured bash shell, which is correctly configured to run the experiments from the next section.

The datasets and experimental results will be put inside the created docker container under: \home\user\data and \home\user\experiments respectively

Using a Custom environment


Clone the repository and navigate to the right folder to execute the experiments:

git clone https://github.com/silvandeleemput/memcnn.git
cd ./memcnn/memcnn

Note that the location of the cloned repository has to be added to your Python path.

Example usage: ReversibleBlock

# some required imports
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.autograd import Variable
import numpy as np
import memcnn.models.revop

# define a new class of operation(s) PyTorch style
class ExampleOperation(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, channels):
        super(ExampleOperation, self).__init__()
        self.seq = nn.Sequential(
                                    nn.Conv2d(in_channels=channels, out_channels=channels, 
                                              kernel_size=(3, 3), padding=1),

    def forward(self, x):
        return self.seq(x)

# generate some random input data (b, c, y, x)
data = np.random.random((2, 10, 8, 8)).astype(np.float32)
X = Variable(torch.from_numpy(data))

# application of the operation(s) the normal way
Y = ExampleOperation(channels=10)(X)

# application of the operation(s) using the reversible block
F, G = ExampleOperation(channels=10 // 2), ExampleOperation(channels=10 // 2)
Y = memcnn.models.revop.ReversibleBlock(F, G)(X)

Run PyTorch Experiments

./train.py [MODEL] [DATASET] --fresh

Available values for DATASET are cifar10 and cifar100.

Available values for MODEL are resnet32, resnet110, resnet164, revnet38, revnet110, revnet164

If not available datasets are automatically downloaded.


TensorFlow results were obtained from the reversible residual network running the code from their GitHub.

TensorFlow PyTorch
Cifar-10 Cifar-100 Cifar-10 Cifar-100
Model acc. time acc. time acc. time acc. time
resnet-32 92.74 2:04 69.10 1:58 92.86 1:51 69.81 1:51
resnet-110 93.99 4:11 73.30 6:44 93.55 2:51 72.40 2:39
resnet-164 94.57 11:05 76.79 10:59 94.80 4:59 76.47 3:45
revnet-38 93.14 2:17 71.17 2:20 92.54 1:10 69.33 1:40
revnet-110 94.02 6:59 74.00 7:03 93.25 3:43 72.24 3:44
revnet-164 94.56 13:09 76.39 13:12 93.40 7:19 74.63 7:21

Future Releases

  • Support for other reversible networks
  • Better support for non volume preserving mappings


If you use our code, please cite:

  title={MemCNN: a Framework for Developing Memory Efficient Deep Invertible Networks},
  author={Sil C. van de Leemput, Jonas Teuwen, Rashindra Manniesing},
  booktitle={ICLR 2018 Workshop Track},