
Lua non recursive merge sort implementation

Primary LanguageLua

Build Status license MIT Licence


Non recursive Lua merge sort implementation ported from snipplet taken from StackOverflow. It's nobrainer port, for example indexing could be optimized to increase performance a bit.


Requiring library yields sorting function which accepts up to 5 arguments. When called with 1 or 2 argument it behaves like table.sort, i.e. sort array in ascending order if comparator(second argument) is not provided.

  • sort( src )
  • sort( src, comparator )

If third argument provided it's used as resulting buffer:

  • sort( src, comparator, buffer )

Note, you cannot use src as buffer. Also It's possible to pass the length of the sorting array and the offset from where to start.

  • sort( src, comparator, buffer, length )
  • sort( src, comparator, buffer, length, offset )
local sort = require('mergesort')
local a = sort{1,2,3,1,2,3} -- sort returns it's result, creating new table
local b = sort({1,2,3,1,2,3}, function(a,b) return a > b end ) -- using custom comparator
local c = sort({1,2,3,1,2,3}, nil, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0}) -- use preallocated buffer 

Because it's plain Lua you can actually use it to sort LuaJIT FFI-created arrays of any type. Note that they are indexed from zero, not from one like Lua tables, so you need to length and offset parameters to the function.

local ffi = require( 'ffi' )
local a = ffi.new( 'double[?]', 6, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3 )
local b = ffi.new( 'double[?]', 6 )
b = sort( a, nil, b, 6, 0 ) -- we need to pass length(6) and starting index(0)


Simple benchmark is included in bench.lua file. The results are quite interesting. While vanilla Lua 5.2.4 table.sort is about 10 times faster than this implementation, on LuaJIT 2.1 I had approx. 30% speed gain. Sorting FFI arrays is slower than sorting tables. Yep, sometimes pure Lua code just faster than super optimized built-in functions :).

Results of sorting uniform distributed arrays of 10 000 000 elements in seconds:

case time(seconds)
table.sort 4.953
mergesort 3.972
mergesort prealloc 3.831
mergesort doubles 4.524
mergesort floats 5.453

Tested on iMac Core i5 2.9 GHz, 32 Gb RAM, LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta1 (torch7).