
Lua tiny sparse matrix library

Primary LanguageLua

Build Status license MIT Licence

Lua Sparse Matrix

Tiny lua sparse matrix library. Stores values in a flat table with metatable set. Coordinates are assumed to be numbers in the interval from -2^25 to 2^25. For Lua 5.3+ with 64-bit integers x, y can be in the interval from -2^31 to 2^31.

local SparseMatrix = require("sparsematrix")

-- Creation OOP-style (also works in pure procedural style)
local m = SparseMatrix.new({
	1, 5, 'x',
	5, -1, 'y',

-- Getting
assert(m:get(1,5) == 'x')
assert(m:get(5,-1) == 'y')
assert(m:get(0,0) == nil)

-- Inserting/deleting
m:set(-2, 3, 'z')
m:set(1, 5, nil)
assert(m:get(-2, 3) == 'z')
assert(m:get(1, 5) == nil)

-- Iteration
-- Should print
--   -2 3 z
--    5 -1 y
for _, x, y, v in m:iter() do
	print(x, y, v)


Create plain lua table and fill it as a sparse matrix with values from xyvs which is flat table containing triples x, y, v.


Create new sparse matrix and fill it with values from xyvs. Internally it's make followed with setmetatable.

SparseMatrix:set(x, y, [v])

Sets sparse matrix value at x, y to v(or nil if omitted).

SparseMatrix:get(x, y, [default])

Returns value at x, y or default if there is no value(or nil if omitted).


Returns iterator pair for general for, generates 4 values: key, x, y, v.


Returns key, x, y, v after key prevk (if omitted returns first quartet), used mainly internally for iter.