
this is Android app that is called TeachMe as platform for eductional organizations with lifecycle of software engineering

Primary LanguageJava

TeachMe app

this is Android app that is called TeachMe as platform for eductional organizations with lifecycle of software engineering


Is my app in software engineering course I implemented all things related to android and you can see details about the project on the repository brief about it Is an app based on android Platform that is connected to the internet through consume services through internet it’s idea is to allow for both teacher & student to communicate with each other, teacher can create quiz & courses and then students can join that course and get that quizzes and can comment on that quiz & there is also several types of questions like mcq , true & false and also working with speech recognition to can help students to spell words right I worked as frontend that is responsible about all related to android and used new frameworks and I haven’t ever used before and participated also in backend with spring boot framework in java ,

1. Activities

2. Fragments

Fragmment is a partical view that can appear on the activity and is partical of the activity

3. DataBase

  • I used sqlite to user data

4. Models

Those are models that represent json data to store data from parsing in it

  • EssentialClass : is class that have all essential variables to store data in it and main methods in the app with functionalities

  • Comment

    • Comment

    • CommentActivity

    • CommentFragment

    • CommentRecyclerViewAdapter

  • Course

    • CourseRecyclerViewAdapter

    • CourseFragment

    • UpdateCourseActivity

    • CreateCourseActivity

  • Game

    • GameFragment

    • CreateGameActivity

    • GameActivity

    • GameRecyclerViewAdapter

  • model

    • Course

    • Game

    • Student

    • User

    • Teacher

  • Question

    • CreateQuestionActivity

    • CreateQuestionFragment

    • Question

    • MCQ

    • QuestionActivity

    • QuestionFragment

    • QuestionRecyclerViewAdapter

    • TrueFalseQuestion

  • Score

    • ScoreActivity
  • User

    • MainActivity

    • SignupActivity

    • StudentActivity

    • StudentUser

    • TeacherActivity

    • TeacherUser

    • UserFactory

5. Built With

  • Retrofit - for consuming the api from openweathermap

  • Gson - to convert json to Java object

  • RecyclerView - for displaying data

  • Android studio - Integreted development environment

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1-Analaysis & Requirments