
shorty is another free and open source link shortener.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Shorty is another free and open source link shortener. The name 'shorty' stands for 'short' or 'turn a long link to a short one'. It's just a personal project to apply what I learned and having fun!


  • register new user
  • user login
  • show list of links assciated with the user account
  • add new link
  • edit an existing link
  • delete an existing link

Tech stack

  • React for front-end
  • CSS (no frameworks) for styling.
  • Node.js and Express for back-end
  • MongoDB for databse
  • JWT for authentication and authorization


  • you can try the app from this demo link: shorty
  • otehrwise, you can run it locally by following the next steps:
    1. make sure Node.js and MongoDB are installed
    2. clone this repo by running git clone https://github.com/islam36/shorty.git
    3. change directory: cd shorty
    4. install dependencies: npm install
    5. make sure mongodb is running
    6. create a new database called shorty in mongodb
    7. build client: npm run build
    8. start server: npm start
    9. open your browser on localhost:8000/ and you should see the web app running

API reference

method route request body description
POST /api/users username, password create a new user. The username must be unique and the password length must be at least 6 characters.
GET /api/users/:userId / returns the the data of user whose 'id' is 'userId'. Requires authentication. Only return the data of the authenticated user
PUT /api/users/:userId username, password Requires authentication. Edit the data of the user whose 'id' is 'userId'
DELETE /api/users/:userId / Requires authentication. Delete the user whose 'id' is 'userId'
POST /api/auth/login username, password authenticate a user. Returns the user data and a JWT token used to authorize the user to perform actions that require authentication on the app.
GET /api/links / Requires authentication. Returns an array of links which are associated with the authenticated user. It also supports pagination using page and limit request queries.
POST /api/links title, link Requires authentication. Create a new link. Returns the created link with the short link associated to it.
GET /api/links/:linkId / Requires authentication. Returns the data of the link whose 'id' is 'linkId'
POST /api/links/:linkId title, link Requires authentication. Edit the link whose 'id' is 'linkId'.
DELETE /api/links/:linkId / Requires authentication. Delete the link whose 'id' is 'linkId'


any contribution with code, idea, review, feedback is welcome. Just make a pull request and we'll discuss about it.