
A template project for flutter

Primary LanguageDart


A template project with basic folder structure to start a new Android Project



  1. Finds repositories from github from given keyword


Project is written by following Clean Code Architecture

Directory Structure


  1. lib/data contains the data layer
  2. lib/domain contains the domain layer
  3. lib/ui contains the presentation layer
  4. lib/app contains the service locator for dependency injection and main.dart

Technology Used

  1. flutter_bloc for State Management
  2. rxdart for Reactive Programming
  3. get_it for Service Locator
  4. Dio for networking
  5. json_serializable for serialization

Getting Started

  1. Download or Clone the repository
  2. Unzip downloaded file (if downloaded)
  3. Open the project in Android Studio. This project is developed in Android Studio Arctic Fox 2020.3.1 Patch 4
  4. Run the app