
workout buddy finder app

Primary LanguageDart

Workout Buddy Finder

This app will help people find nearby people with similar interests. It was created as my final year project for graduation.



  • Workout buddy finder app helps users discover and find workout buddies.
  • Suggestions are based on interests and locality.
  • Creates an exciting moment which’ll help the exercisers to pass their workout time.
  • Live Chatting with matched people
  • View total burned calorie
  • Manage Application Theme


Project is written by following Clean Code Architecture. Has Developmentand Productionbuild flavors set for both Android and iOS.

Directory Structure

  1. lib/app contains the entry points depending on Environment
  2. lib/core contains the core of the app
  3. lib/di contains the dependency injection codes
  4. lib/env contains the environment files
  5. lib/features contains the features
  6. lib/generated contains the generated asset constants
  7. lib/navigation contains files related to Routing
  8. lib/theme contains theming settings of the app

Technology Used

  1. flutter_bloc for State Management
  2. go_router for Navigation
  3. get_it and injectable for dependency injection
  4. firebase for Auth, Real time chat, image storing and Firestore for other data storing
  5. flutter_hooks to reduce boilerplate code
  6. freezed for data classes and pattern matching
  7. dart code metrics for enhanced lint rules

Getting Started

  1. Download or Clone the repository
  2. Unzip downloaded file (if downloaded)
  3. Open the project in Android Studio.
  4. Open Run configurations. Set lib/env/env_development.dart file as target and build flavor Development.

Contributions are welcome