
API for sunnah.com

Primary LanguagePython


The official API of sunnah.com for retrieving information about hadith collections.

Getting started

Please follow the instructions below.

First create a local .env.local configuration file and update values as needed. A sample file is provided at .env.local.sample.

Run manually:

git clone REPO
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
export FLASK_ENV=development FLASK_APP=main.py
flask run --host=

Or alternatively use docker-compose which will give a full environment with a MySQL instance loaded with a sample dataset:

docker-compose up
  • Use --build option to re-build.
  • Use the -d option to run in detached mode.

You can then visit localhost:5000 to verify that it's running on your machine. Or, alternatively:

$ curl http://localhost:5000


Configuration files are located at env.local and uwsgi.ini.

A production ready uWSGI daemon (uwsgi socket exposed on port 5001) can be started with:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.prod.yml up -d --build


Visit https://sunnah.api-docs.io/ for full API documentation.

Linting and Formatting

flake8 and black are used for code linting and formatting respectively. Before submitting pull requests, make sure black and flake8 is run against the code. Follow the instructions below for using black and flake8:

# goto repository root directory
# make sure the virtual environment is activated
black .
flake8 .
# fix any linting issues
# Then you are ready to submit your PR

To add more rules for linting and formatting, make changes to .flake8 and pyproject.toml accordingly.