Pinned Repositories
Most of the important topics of computer programming I practiced here. Like Binary Search Tree(BST), BIT manipulation, Graph, LInedList, Pointers, Recursion is covered. Object-oriented programming is also here.
A simple calculator using Java.
Some of my accepted problems in codeforces are here. Most of them written in c++. Some of them are in C and Python also.
A project to show Covid-19 affected people in the world. Here we have some specific features to show data of Covid-19 affected person in Bangladesh district wise and someone can post comment and one can reply and edit that thing.
A fully functional digital wallet. Consist of CRUD operation. Some functionalities are Signup, Sign in, Creating session, Login after the first time using JWT token. Verifying every action using token, Transfer/deposit/withdraw money from wallet, Currency converter. Send all transactions using the Sendgrid adapter in PDF format. It has another section form which an Admin adds product's details and the user can purchase those products using the Wallet.
This is my portfolio made on a single page.
An online Banking platform for everyone who has just internet access. By this one can easily transfer or withdraw money from his/her current place.
A website for varsity going student. By this, a student does all his/her varsity activity like taking/drop courses, registration, and so on.
Uptime monitoring API. A task will be added with its status. Status can be up or down. A process is running continuously in the background which will check the status of that task. If any task becomes down then an email notification will be sent to the user. CRUD operation, token generation, and validation are present in this system.
Javascript program to find out all volunteers who came in the same shift from a CSV file and show the result in CSV file.
islamshaheb's Repositories
An online Banking platform for everyone who has just internet access. By this one can easily transfer or withdraw money from his/her current place.
A simple calculator using Java.
A website for varsity going student. By this, a student does all his/her varsity activity like taking/drop courses, registration, and so on.
A Structured Query Language project for Online Banking Process.
My very first project of academic life written in C. By this program we'll get all information about a district of Bangladesh, We can compare the area, population, and other things.
A simple design project Using C++ Graphics.