
Repository for the paper "Binary2Source Function Similarity Detection Under Function Inlining"

Primary LanguagePython


This is the repository illustrating how we label the inlined call sites, train the classifier for ICS prediction, and generate SFSs for binary2source matching.


The dataset can download from https://drive.google.com/file/d/1K9ef-OoRBr0X5u8g2mlnYqh9o1i6zFij/view and https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wt7GY-DDp8J_2zeBBVUrcfWIyerg_xLO/view. It is constructed using Binkit (https://github.com/SoftSec-KAIST/BinKit).


If you want to replicate the work, please run the following instructions:

Processing and Labeling

  1. run 0.preprocessing/Binary_FCG_extraction/IDA_fcg_extractor/run_IDA_on_all_binaries.py to extract FCG for binaries. Some paths in the above files should be changed to your destination.

  2. run 0.preprocessing/Source_FCG_extraction/run_understand_to_extract_fcgs.py to extract FCG for source projects. Paths of Understand and source projects should also be changed. An example of source FCG can refer to 0.preprocessing/Source_FCG_extraction/FCG/a2ps-4.14_fcg.json.

  3. run 1.inlining_ground_truth_labelining/summarize_binary2source_function_mappings.py to summarize the binary2source function-level mapping of the dataset. Before running this script, please refer to https://github.com/island255/TOSEM2022 to construct the binary2source function-level mapping of the dataset.

  4. run 1.inlining_ground_truth_labelining/extract_mapped_call_site.py to identify the inlined call sites and the normal call sites.

Feature Extraction

  1. run 2.feature_extraction/function_feature_extraction/processing_projects.py to extract function contents for source projects.

  2. run 2.feature_extraction/call_site_feature_extraction/call_site_feature_extraction.py to extract the call site features.

Classifier Training

  1. run 3.classifier/multi-label_classifier/find_best_para/find_best_parameters_for_models.py to find the best number of estimators for different MLC models.

SFS Generation

  1. run 4.apply_classifier_to_test_projects/multi-label_classifiers/using_multi-label_classifiers.py to generate SFSs for source projects.