
Eclipse Embedded CDT Project Template for "cutest" test projects

Primary LanguageC


Eclipse Embedded CDT project template for the cutest C Unit-Testing Framework.


  • Grab a copy of this project (→ latest)
  • Extract the archive into your target project (see Example project for recommended setup!)
  • Open Eclipse
    • → Import... → Existing Projects into Workspace
    • Select the TEST_MyUnit template project
  • After import, you can rename the TEST_...-Project

Automated Testing

A Makefile is provided for building and running the test executable CI/CD workflow, such as using Jenkins or GitHub Actions. Make the all build target inside a islandc/cutest build container:

- name: Run Unit-Test
  uses: docker://islandc/cutest
    args: /bin/sh -c "make all"

The project name can be overridden using an environment variable:

PROJ_NAME=name make all

If you are referencing other projects outside the CuTest root, make sure to workspace-mount the most top-level common folder, and -C to the CuTest root within the cutest container (see cutest-example action)

- name: Run Unit-Test
  uses: docker://islandc/cutest
    args: /bin/sh -c "make all -C <project-location>"

GitHub Actions

A template job description is provided in cutest-action.yml.