
My website using Jekyll

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


I have decided to dedicate a post on the layout of this website. If someone looking for a Jekyll template wants to use my website, they can follow the instructions here on how to personalize their website. I will be outlining the features I worked on and how you can make a few simple changes to personalize them as your own.

First thing is first: fork my template

If you do not have Jekyll or have not yet forked my repository, I recommend that you see my post regarding how to get started here.

Get your own local copy

mkdir MyWebsite
cd MyWebsite
git init
git clone https://github.com/[username]/[username].github.io

My Jekyll Template

I use the solarized light color scheme. This helps keep the website clear, legible, and easy on the eyes. This website won't hurt your eyes when you open it up in a dark room at night.

CSS effects are added to posts to make them seem as a raised page.

Side info

The side info contains a picture of you, a description of you or your website, and links to contact info/Résumé.

To modify this, you need to modify _config.yml. This is located here:


Here are some of its contents:

title:            Kumarcode
description:      A stylish blog on my code

url1: http://www.kumarcode.com                  
disqus_shortname: kumarcode

  name:           Nikhil Kumar
  avatar:         bio-photo.jpg
  bio:            "A stylish blog on my code"
  email:          nikhilkumar516@gmail.com
  github: nikhil
  google_plus:  /u/0/104266827599169158890/posts

The bio-photo.jpg is the picture that would be used to display a picture of you. The image should be located here:


The info specified above, gets turned into html here:


The code that creates the Résumé button is here.

<a href="/resume.pdf" download="resume.pdf" class="author-social" target="_blank">
	<i class="fa fa-download fa-fw">
<span class = "socialelm">
<font color="#d34836"> 
G</font>et Résumé

Your resume.pdf must be located here:


Git change log

On the bottom of the Side info, I have a section that reads the 8 latests git commits I have made to my website. This lets visitors see when and what changes I have made. I try to be as brief and as descriptive as possible when making commit messages.

I use Githubs api to retrieve the commit messages. To personalize this you need to modify _author-bio.html

	var date;
	var datepart;
	var messagestr;
	var html = '<br><span class = "changeitems">';
	for(i=0;i < 8; i++)
		messagestr = data[i].commit.message;
		date = data[i].commit.committer.date;
		datepart = date.split("T")[0];
		html += '<font color = "#586e75">'+ datepart.substring(5)+'</font>'+'&nbsp;&nbsp;'+messagestr+ '<br>';
	html += '</span>';

Change the url so that it has your username instead of nikhil and it should work for your repo.

Navigation bar

I created a navigation bar that is neat, colorful and legible. You can modify the links in _config.yml.

  - title: About
    url: /about/
    icon: fa fa-user
    count: 1    
  - title: Posts
    url: /posts/
    icon: fa fa-inbox
    count: 2    
  - title: Gardening
    url: /gardening/ 
    icon: fa fa-leaf
    count: 3   
  - title: Arch Linux
    url: /arch/
    icon: icon-arch 
    count: 4   
  - title: music
    url: /music/ 
    icon: fa fa-music
    count: 5    
  - title: projects
    url: /projects/ 
    icon: fa fa-flask 
    count: 6    


As you can see, I have several icon sets in this template.

  • Font Awsome
  • Font Mfizz
  • IconicIcons

IconicIcons is my custom font. I created it to display:

Cool Code Blocks

I have developed cool code blocks that will give your code a black background. If you want to use this, you need to write the type of code that is being shown and its count: first code block =0, second code block =1,...etc.

layout: post
title: Developing Random Math Art
comments: true
- type: html 
  count: 0

- type: javascript
  count: 1

- type: javascript
  count: 2

- type: javascript
  count: 3

- type: javascript
  count: 4

- type: html
  count: 5

The types supported:

If you specify a type file, you can add any name you want. Here is an example to have a header that says C3d File:

- type: file
  file: C3d File
  count: 0


If you do not like the pun, or if your name is not Nikhil Kumar you can modify the text in _footer.html here:


Side Math Art

I have written a program in javascript that randomly generates Math art on the right side of the website. You can modify this in _side-sine.html here:


Loading animation

Here is the animation:

The loading animation runs when it is loading the image. I have created the .gif myself.

It is located here:


Here is an example on how to use the loading animation for an image:

<img class="lazy" data-src="/images/gardening/asiaticlily.JPG" src="/images/loading.gif" />
$(document).ready(function() {



Linked pages

You can modify how your linked pages (the pages linked to the navigation bar) look with markdown files.

Here is how the posts page looks like:

This page is created by posts.md located in:

layout: post-index
permalink: /posts/
title: All Posts
tagline: A List of Posts
tags: [blog]
  feature: FoxGloves.jpg
  credit: Fox gloves taken by me in my backyard.


The --- here are important and should not be omitted.

Music Page

I created a script that uses Last.fm to find and display info about your favorite albums. All you need to do is create a list of albums you like, and my script will fetch the artwork, date, and tags.

Here is how to list your albums under music::

layout: page
permalink: /music/
title: Music
tagline: Music
tags: [Music]
modified: 6-28-2014
comments: true
  feature: diantis.jpg
  credit: Diantis taken by me in my backyard.
- name: A Change of Seasons
  by: Dream Theater

- name: Brave New World
  by: Iron Maiden

- name: IV
  by: Led Zeppelin


Project Page

I have created a project template that will create a project page for you, given the info you provide.

Here is how to list your projects under programs::

layout: page
permalink: /projects/
title: Projects
tags: [projects]
modified: 9-19-2014
comments: true
  feature: rabbit.jpg
  credit: A Rabbit from my backyard.
- name: PostalPortraits
  url: https://github.com/Erin-Corrado/PostalPortraits
  description: Analyzes the content of a conversation thread on a users email and then transfers those changes through image modifations using the Pillow image manipulation tool.
  - image: huskybefore.jpg
  - image: huskyafter.jpg
  location: Rutgers Hackathon Spring 2014
  - name: Python
  - name: Context.io
  - name: Pillow
  - name: Email
  prize: Won the Context.io award
- name: SwitchBeat
  url: http://kumarcode.com/switchbeat.html
  description: Dynamically Mashups any two songs
  - image: SwitchBeat.png
  location: Independent
  - name: Javascript
  - name: Mashups
  - name: EchoNest


This has multiple image support. You can list as amny images as you want. You can also use prize to indicate if a program won a competition.

Please let me know if you have any questions.