
A Java library for generating and handling RFC-4122 UUID.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

UUID Creator

A Java library for generating and handling RFC-4122 UUIDs.

RFC-4122 UUIDs:

  • Version 1: Time-based;
  • Version 2: DCE Security;
  • Version 3: Name-based with MD5;
  • Version 4: Random-based;
  • Version 5: Name-based with SHA1;
  • Version 6: Time-ordered (IETF draft).

Non-standard GUIDs:

  • Prefix COMB: combination of the creation millisecond (prefix) with random bytes;
  • Suffix COMB: combination of the creation millisecond (suffix) with random bytes;
  • Short Prefix COMB: combination the creation minute (prefix) with random bytes;
  • Short Suffix COMB: combination the creation minute (suffix) with random bytes.

Read the Wiki pages.

Maven dependency

Add these lines to your pom.xml:

<!-- https://search.maven.org/artifact/com.github.f4b6a3/uuid-creator -->

See more options in maven.org.


Module and bundle names are the same as the root package name.

  • JPMS module name: com.github.f4b6a3.uuid
  • OSGi symbolic name: com.github.f4b6a3.uuid

How to Use

Library Facade

Create a Random-based UUID:

UUID uuid = UuidCreator.getRandomBased();

Create a Time-based UUID:

// with a static random number as node identifier
UUID uuid = UuidCreator.getTimeBased();
// with a MAC address as node identifier
UUID uuid = UuidCreator.getTimeBasedWithMac();
// with a hash of HOSTNAME, MAC and IP as node identifier
UUID uuid = UuidCreator.getTimeBasedWithHash();
// with a changing random number as node identifier
UUID uuid = UuidCreator.getTimeBasedWithRandom();

Create a Time-ordered UUID:

// with a static random number as node identifier
UUID uuid = UuidCreator.getTimeOrdered();
// with a MAC address as node identifier
UUID uuid = UuidCreator.getTimeOrderedWithMac();
// with a hash of HOSTNAME, MAC and IP as node identifier
UUID uuid = UuidCreator.getTimeOrderedWithHash();
// with a changing random number as node identifier
UUID uuid = UuidCreator.getTimeOrderedWithRandom();

Create a Name-based with MD5 UUID:

// without namespace
String name = "https://github.com/";
UUID uuid = UuidCreator.getNameBasedMd5(name);
// with namespace
String name = "https://github.com/";
UUID uuid = UuidCreator.getNameBasedMd5(UuidNamespace.NAMESPACE_URL, name);

Create a Name-based with SHA-1 UUID:

// without namespace
String name = "https://github.com/";
UUID uuid = UuidCreator.getNameBasedSha1(name);
// with namespace
String name = "https://github.com/";
UUID uuid = UuidCreator.getNameBasedSha1(UuidNamespace.NAMESPACE_URL, name);

Create a DCE Security UUID:

int localIdentifier = 1701;
UUID uuid = UuidCreator.getDceSecurity(UuidLocalDomain.LOCAL_DOMAIN_PERSON, localIdentifier);

Create a Prefix COMB GUID:

UUID uuid = UuidCreator.getPrefixComb();

Create a Suffix COMB GUID:

UUID uuid = UuidCreator.getSuffixComb();

Create a Short Prefix COMB GUID:

UUID uuid = UuidCreator.getShortPrefixComb();

Create a Short Suffix COMB GUID:

UUID uuid = UuidCreator.getShortSuffixComb();

Library Utilities

This library provides many utilities for validation, version checking, information extraction, etc.

Validate a UUID string:

UuidValidator.validate(uuid); // Throws an exception if INVALID

Check the version of UUID:


Extract information from a UUID:

Instant instant = UuidUtil.getInstant(uuid);
int clocksq = UuidUtil.getClockSequence(uuid);
long nodeid = UuidUtil.getNodeIdentifier(uuid);
UuidVersion version = UuidUtil.getVersion(uuid);
UuidVariant variant = UuidUtil.getVariant(uuid);

Extract information from a COMB GUID:

long prefix = UuidUtil.getPrefix(comb); // Unix milliseconds
long suffix = UuidUtil.getSuffix(comb); // Unix milliseconds
Instant instant = UuidUtil.getPrefixInstant(comb);
Instant instant = UuidUtil.getSuffixInstant(comb);

Get the machine ID:

long id = MachineId.getMachineId(); // 0x7bc3cfd7844f46ad (8918200211668420269)
UUID uuid = MachineId.getMachineUuid(); // 7bc3cfd7-844f-46ad-81a9-1aa22d3c427a

Library Codecs

This library also provides many codecs for canonical string, byte array, base-n, slugs, etc.

Main codecs

Convert a UUID to and from byte array:

UUID uuid = BinaryCodec.INSTANCE.decode(/* 16 bytes */);
byte[] bytes = BinaryCodec.INSTANCE.encode(uuid);

Convert a UUID to and from canonical string:

// 7x faster than `UUID.fromString()` and `UUID.toString()`
UUID uuid = StringCodec.INSTANCE.decode("01234567-89ab-4def-a123-456789abcdef");
String string = StringCodec.INSTANCE.encode(uuid);

Convert a UUID to and from URI:

UUID uuid = UriCodec.INSTANCE.decode("urn:uuid:01234567-89ab-4def-a123-456789abcdef");
URI uri = UriCodec.INSTANCE.encode(uuid);

Base-N codecs

There are base-n codecs for base-16, base-32, base-58, base-62 and base-64.

Custom codecs can be instantiated with BaseNCodec.newInstance(int|String).

Convert a UUID to and from base-n:

// 22x faster than `UUID.toString().replaceAll("-", "")`
UUID uuid = Base16Codec.INSTANCE.decode("0123456789ab4defa123456789abcdef");
String string = Base16Codec.INSTANCE.encode(uuid);
UUID uuid = Base32Codec.INSTANCE.decode("aerukz4jvng67ijdivtytk6n54");
String string = Base32Codec.INSTANCE.encode(uuid);
UUID uuid = Base58BtcCodec.INSTANCE.decode("199dn6s7UNiX3LyNkQ1Cfx");
String string = Base58BtcCodec.INSTANCE.encode(uuid);
UUID uuid = Base62Codec.INSTANCE.decode("0296tiiBY28FKCYq1PVSGd");
String string = Base62Codec.INSTANCE.encode(uuid);
UUID uuid = Base64UrlCodec.INSTANCE.decode("ASNFZ4mrTe-hI0VniavN7w");
String string = Base64UrlCodec.INSTANCE.encode(uuid);

Convert a UUID to and from a custom base-n:

// a base-20 string using a CUSTOM radix (20)
int radix = 20; // expanded to "0123456789abcdefghij"
BaseNCodec codec = BaseNCodec.newInstance(radix);

UUID uuid = codec.decode("00b5740h195313554732654bjhj9e7");
String string = codec.encode(uuid);
// a base-10 string using a CUSTOM alphabet ("0-9")
String alphabet = "0-9"; // expanded to "0123456789"
BaseNCodec codec = BaseNCodec.newInstance(alphabet);

UUID uuid = codec.decode("001512366075203566477668990085887675887");
String string = codec.encode(uuid);

Other codecs

Convert a UUID to and from Slug:

UUID uuid = SlugCodec.INSTANCE.decode("SgEjRWeJq97xI0VniavN7w");
String string = SlugCodec.INSTANCE.encode(uuid);

Convert a UUID to and from NCName:

UUID uuid = NcnameCodec.INSTANCE.decode("EASNFZ4mr3vEjRWeJq83vK");
String string = NcnameCodec.INSTANCE.encode(uuid);

Convert a UUID to and from .Net Guid:

// Convert time-based (version 1) to .Net Guid
UUID guid = DotNetGuid1Codec.INSTANCE.encode(uuid);
UUID uuid = DotNetGuid1Codec.INSTANCE.decode(guid);
// Convert random-based (version 4) to .Net Guid
UUID guid = DotNetGuid4Codec.INSTANCE.encode(uuid);
UUID uuid = DotNetGuid4Codec.INSTANCE.encode(guid);

Other identifier generators

Check out the other ID generators.