Android Custom Lib

This is a simple standalone lib, that can be integrated easily on your android application, simple to integrate and easy to use. The lib is with purpose to add a floating action button on your activity main layout, and when click it shows another dialog screen with installation date and current time live.



Clone this repository and import into Android Studio

git clone

How to Integrate Lib in your Android App:

  • First, clone the repository on your local machine
  • on your android studio app project, go to File -> New -> Import Module
  • select the folder previously cloned of the library and click finish
  • in your app/build.gradle file, add the implementation of your lib in dependencies :
dependencies {
    // add the implementation of the project library, use the same name 
    // as the one defined when imported
    implementation project(':library')


Usage :

  • first, check the how to integrate lib on the section above.
  • on your main activity class :
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    // get the class instance 
    private val customPointzi by lazy { CustomPointzi(this) }

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        // call the customPointzi class with the Build() fun to build and show the Fab

or you can do it in one line :

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        // call the customPointzi class with the Build() fun to build and show the Fab
  • you can customize the icon of the model show by the dialog of the lib :
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        // customize the icon showen by the model by calling the fun setIcon(url) before you build


The Library requires the following permissions:

  • Internet access : to be able to communicate through internet

Libraries and Dependencies