Basic | Spec Sheet |
CPU | Generic x86 arch |
Chipset | Generic |
GPU | Generic |
ROM | 8GB |
RAM | xGB |
Android | 9.0 |
Battery | 1505 mAh |
Display | 1920x1080 pixels, 420PPI |
Adding Google Apps Suite. -
Adding bootanimation file.
Overlaying the framework and SystemUI:
- Customizing the Default wallpaper.
- Turn SCreen ON/OFF on cable attached/detached.
- Enable Auto Brightness Mode.
- Enable MultiUser Mode.
- Change the battery Warning Levels.
- The default suggested battery % at which we enable battery saver automatically.
- Configure DOZE Mode.
- Configure Google Assisstant App Component.
- Configure the ICONs mask for the system (set it to ROUND).
- Enable Swipe Up gesture and Set it True by default (Android new navbar gestures).
- Enable Night Mode.
- Enable Sustained Performance Mode.
- Configure Round Corner Radius on SystemUI.
- Set the Default Screen Brightness Level to 100%.
- Enable WiFi by default.
- Enable LockScreen by default.
- The default tiles to display in QuickSettings.
- Should "LTE" be shown instead of "4G" when the network is NETWORK_TYPE_LTE
Integrate Google Wellbeing App (check the document prebuilt/common/apps/Wellbeing/README).
Add dark theme to Google Dialer App (check the Patch down below).
Create a Service "userinit" and attach it to a trigger event ( init.ranchu.rc ) to:
Enable Flip to Ssshhh.
Grant Google Apps Location permissions.
on property:sys.boot_completed=1 start userinit service userinit /system/bin/ class core user root group root system disabled oneshot
Add a cutom versionning makefile to set a custom: fingerprint, version, build date.
Enable the OEM Unlock Bootloader Support.
Add Battery level animation on Setttings.
Enable Status Bar overlay on drak theme change
Patch added : AOSP_PIE_9.0/frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/
Source: (enable overlay for dark mode)
the overlay under the folder "packages" is not working and not applied -> potentiel fix; the density resolution and AAPT
- : works on selinux permissive mode But not enfrocing mode. Issue related to : SELinux Solution Update and how to fix it:
Create a policy file (userinit.te)
########### userinit service type userinit, domain, coredomain; type userinit_exec, exec_type, file_type; init_daemon_domain(userinit) ###########
Label the Script file ( add the follwing to sepolicy/file_contexts):
########### /system/bin/ u:object_r:userinit_exec:s0 ###########
Use Audit2allow tool to diagnose the denials and convert them to the corresponding SELinux policy statments:
########### adb pull /sys/fs/selinux/policy adb logcat -b all -d | audit2allow -p policy ###########
########### #============= userinit ============== allow userinit shell_exec:file { open read }; ###########
Add the statement to the script policy file (userinit.te) :
########### type userinit, domain, coredomain; type userinit_exec, exec_type, file_type; init_daemon_domain(userinit) allow userinit shell_exec:file { open read }; ###########
This project is mantained by:
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
- Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some feature')
- Push your branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
- Create a new Pull Request
This application is released under GNU GPLv3 (see LICENSE). Some of the used libraries are released under different licenses.