archidog file storage

archidog file storage


This is an asynchronous archive server with a thread pool.

The server will archive the stream received from the client and store some files:



  • "zip <name> <bytes_size>" - then the client sends a byte stream, the server archives it and saves the file.

  • "get <name>" – the client requests an archived file by name,

  • "zip-and-get <name> <bytes_size>" – the server simultaneously receives, archives, and sends back the compressed data to the client.

  • "unzip <name> <byte_size>" - then the client sends a byte stream, the server unarchives it and saves the file.

  • "unzip-and-get <name> <bytes_size>" – the server simultaneously receives, unarchives, and sends back the compressed data to the client.

Server Configuration

Start ./server

Arguments Description
-d --dir=<path> path to the server folder where to save files (future)
-i --ip=<IP> IP address on which the server listener works
-p --port=<uint> port on which the server listener works
-n --maxnfiles=<uint> maximum number of files a client can save
--r --reqspermin=<uint> maximum number of archiving requests from 1 client in 1 minute
-w --workers=<uint> number of threads
-v --verbose print detailed operations being performed by the server to stdout (stderr), without this flag print only errors
-h --help print to the console arguments, how to use the program