
I'm stupid and can't understand opengl and glsl and shaders and graphics and stuff. So until some stranger on the internet is available to help me with vertex buffers and index buffers and shaders, then I'm going to have to postpone this project :'( Please feel free to make pull requests if you know what you're doing.


An attempt to put my skills to the test in the creation of my first 3D game. This is mostly just meant to be an outlet to extend my knowledge into another area of programming. However, as a Christian, I do like the idea of a Minecraft clone that is just as functional as Minecraft, but at the same time does not include all the occultish and demonic stuff in Minecraft. Such as enchanting, potions and witches, the nether or hell among other things.


Install dependencies by running v install in the cloned repo (the directory containing the v.mod file).


Not an exhaustive list and in no particular order:

  • TOP PRIORITY: Render chunks with VBO/VAO instead of glBegin & glEnd.
  • Infinite worlds
  • HUD
  • Inventory
  • Make it so a headless server can be run
  • Multiplayer