
I started learning JavaScript on January 31. Since then, I've been reinforcing my learning with projects like this.

Primary LanguageCSS

Weather ⛅

A site able to show the climate of a city chosen by users. In this process, it changes the background image to one of the city, just as it displays its country's flag.

In JavaScript, some tags/concepts worth mentioning are:

  • Fetch API
  • Events

As for CSS, these are some of the interesting ones:

  • Responsive Design
  • Animations
  • Grid

API's that made this possible:

Notice: To make it work, you'll need to sign up for the Open Weather API and get an access key. This key must be inserted into scripts.js, line number 1.

Keep in mind that in order for the key to be fully activated, you'll have to wait a few hours.

The project originates from this free course on Youtube:

Instead of just copying what would be instructed, I analyzed the final result and, in order to reproduce it, developed the application by myself.