Recruiter Quiz ✨


❓ Quiz to test the general knowledge about programming languages.

⚽ Contributions

Add question:

💡 For the sake of simplicity all questions are in a memory App\Infrastructure\InMemory\InMemoryQuestionRepository::QUESTIONS.

The only requirement to add a question is to update this constant with a new element structured like this:

// Structure
    'id' => 'UUID V4', // can be generated at 
    'question' => 'Question content', // Should be in english
    'choices' => 'Array of available choices', // Multichoices is not supported yet
    'answer' => 'the key of the good answer in the choices array', 
    'link' => 'documentation or link to detail the good answer',
    'author' => 'your name',
    'author_link' => 'a link to your profile/blog...',
    'created_at' => 'YYYY-MM-DD',
// Example
    'id' => 'b15a200c-8249-402f-a455-c4b4ef012236', 
    'question' => 'Java is an abbreviation for Javascript?',
    'choices' => ['True', 'False'],
    'answer' => 1,
    'link' => '',
    'author' => 'SmaineDev',
    'author_link' => '',
    'created_at' => '2022-03-12',

Improve Code:

🔥 PR welcome if there is test.

🎮 Try it locally

It assumes you have composer installed and the Symfony server.

git clone project_name
cd project_name
php composer install
symfony server:start

🖌️ Tooling

make all                Run all DX tools
make help               Show this message
make phpcs              Run PHP CS Fixer
make test-phpcs         Run coding standard tests
make test               Run code tests