
Collated reference for data structures and algorithms

Primary LanguageJava

Data Structures and Algorithms in Java


A summary of data structures, algorithms, discussion of their time and space complexities, and their implementations in Java.

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Data Structures

A data structure organizes data so that it can be used effectively. They help to manage and organize data, make writing code cleaner and easier to understand, and they are essential for creating fast and powerful algorithms. All data structures have four main operations:

  • Access: and read values stored in the data structure.
  • Search: for arbitrary values in the data structure.
  • Insert: values at any point in the data structure.
  • Delete: values in the data structure.

Arrays (Static Arrays)

An array is a container of fixed length containing n elements which can be indexed from the range [0, n-1]. Each element within an array is referenced by a number which is its index. All memory blocks storing the addresses of the elements are contiguous, or next to each other.


  1. Access is O(1). Each element in an array is indexed, so we can quickly access an element using its index.
  2. Search is O(n). In the worst case, we have to traverse through the entire array to find an element we want at the very end.

Array Lists (Dynamic Arrays or Lists)

ArrayLists (in Java) or Dynamic Arrays or Lists (in Python) are similar to arrays, except that their size is not fixed. Their size can dynamically change depending on how many elements are inserted or deleted from it.


A DynamicArray was made using the native static Arrays in Java. It can take any generic type, denoted by <T> and using implements Iterable<T> allows us to create this custom data structure as an iterable, which means we can use a for loop to iterate through the elements of an object of this DynamicArray class.

Complexity (Array Lists)

  1. Access is O(1). Like the Array, an ArrayList's elements can also be accessed in constant time using its index.
  2. Search is O(n). Similar to the Array, we need to traverse through the entire ArrayList, for example, to prove that an element that we want does not exist within the ArrayList.
  3. Insert is O(n). Insertion takes linear time because all the elements will need to be shifted to the right.
  4. Append is O(1). Appending means to add an element at the end of the ArrayList, which takes constant time only.
  5. Delete is O(n). Similar to insertion, deletion takes linear time, because elements will need to be shifted.

Linked Lists

A Linked List is a linear data structure, a sequential list, where each element in the list is contained within an object called a Node. A node contains two pieces of information: a data item, and a pointer/reference to the next node in the list. The Head is the first node in the linked list, while the Tail is the last node in the linked list, and does not point to anything (or points to None or null).

In a Singly-linked List, each node stores a reference to the next node whereas in a Doubly-linked List, each node stores references to both the next node and the previous node. Linked lists are used in List, Queue, Stack, circular list implementations, and for separate chaining in HashTable implementations to deal with hash collisions.

When performing a data structure operation on linked lists, we keep track of the head node pointer (and sometimes the tail node pointer as well), and initialize a new pointer to traverse the linked list as the very first step. The performance of the operation depends on how far the the new pointer has to traverse to carry out the operation.

Complexity (Linked Lists)

Singly-linked Lists:

  1. Access is O(n). Linked lists don't have indices so to access an element, we need to traverse through with a pointer.
  2. Search is O(n). Similar to accessing, searching for an element in a linked-list requires traversal.
  3. Insert is O(n) or O(1). If inserting at the head/tail, it takes constant time, otherwise, it takes linear time.
  4. Delete is O(n) or O(1). If deleting at the head, it takes constant time, otherwise, it takes linear time. This is because after deleting the tail, we need to assign a new tail to the previous node of the old tail, and to do that we need to access the data contained within the old tail's previous node.

Doubly-linked Lists:

  1. Access is O(n). Same as singly-linked list.
  2. Search is O(n). Same as singly-linked list.
  3. Insert is O(n) or O(1). Same as singly-linked list.
  4. Delete is O(n) or O(1). If deleting at the head/tail, it takes constant time, otherwise, it takes linear time.


A stack is a linear data structure, which models a real world stack (like a stack of books/plates) and has two primary operations: push and pop. These operations only occur at the top of the stack, following the LIFO (Last In First Out) principle. In LIFO, elements that are last added to the top of the stack (Last In) are the ones that get removed first (First Out). Stacks are usually implemented using Linked Lists (there is always a pointer at the top of the stack). They are used in redo-undo mechanisms, recursive programming, and for the Depth First Search (DFS) graph traversal algorithm.

Complexity (Stacks)

  1. Access (peek) is O(1). Peeking at the top of the stack occurs in constant time.
  2. Search is O(n). Searching through the stack takes linear time because the required element might be at the bottom of the stack.
  3. Insert (push) is O(1). Pushing a new element to the top of the stack takes constant time.
  4. Delete (pop) is O(1). Removing an element from the top takes O(1).


A queue is a linear data structure, modelling a real world queue (e.g. waiting lines) and has two primary operations: enqueue and dequeue. Enqueue happens at the start while dequeue happens at the end, following the First In First Out (FIFO) principle, or First-Come First-Served. The very first element that gets added to the queue is also the element that gets removed first.

Queues are implemented using Doubly Linked Lists and have pointers at both the start and end. They are used in web server request management, where the client that requests first, gets served first. Also used in the Breadth First Search (BFS) graph traversal algorithm.

Priority Queues

Priority Queues (PQ): are data structures in which the order of dequeuing elements depends on the priority/order in which they are set to be. An element with the highest priority gets removed first. PQs are usually implemented using binary heaps, which are tree data structures. Example: computers use PQs to designate tasks and assign computing power based on how urgent the task is.

Complexity (Queues)

  1. Acess (peek) is O(1). Peeking at the start takes constant time because there is a pointer at the queue's head.
  2. Search is O(n). Same as a stack.
  3. Insert (enqueue) is O(1). Adding an element at the head takes constant time, same as a Doubly Linked List.
  4. Delete (dequeue) is O(1). Removing an element from the tail of the queue takes constant time. Otherwise, it takes O(n), linear time.


Trees are non-linear data structures that store data hierarchically. They contain a series of linked Nodes connected together to form a hierarchical representation of information. Similar to a LinkedList, each Node has the option of pointing towards multiple other Nodes, not just one.

Trees can be defined recursively as either empty, or a node containing a value, together with a list of references (or pointers) to child nodes that are themselves trees. Because of this recursive definition, its very common (and useful) to write operations on trees that are themselves recursive.

Height: An empty tree with no nodes has height -1. A tree with one node has height 0. A tree with one parent node and two child nodes has height 1. In general, height of a tree is the number of edges on the longest possible path down towards a leaf node. Depth of a particular node is the number of edges required to get from that node to the root node.

Trees are used quite a lot in real world applications. File systems are trees, Reddit comments can be represented as trees, nested JSON files are trees, and Google Maps uses graphs to provide the user with paths from initial to terminal locations (graphs are a superset of trees).

Binary (Search) Trees

A binary tree is a tree for which every node has at most two child nodes. A binary search tree (BST) is a binary tree in which for every parent node, the left child node's value is less than the its parent and the right child node's value is greater than its parent. Left subtree must have smaller elements than the current node and right subtree must have larger elements. Duplicate values are usually not allowed in BSTs. BST Invariant: left subtree has smaller elements and right subtree has larger elements.

Complexity (Binary Search Trees)

  1. Access is O(log n). In the worst case, a BST is completely linear and this takes O(n). However, in the average case, accessing elements only takes logarithmic time because at each node (vertex), we eliminate one entire subtree, similar to the binary search algorithm.

  2. Search is O(log n). In the worst case, the element we want to search for is the farthest leaf node from the root, so this satisfies the definition of the BST's height, giving a time complexity of O(h). On average, tree searches take O(log n). For this reason BSTs are very popular for storing large amounts of data that need to be easily searchable.

  3. Insert is O(log n). Same argument as accessing and searching.

  4. Delete is O(log n). Same argument as accessing and searching. Deleting/removing an element from a BST is a two step process, where the first step is to search for the element to be removed, and the second step is to replace it with a successor node, while maintaining the BST invariant.


Tries are trees that only contain alphabetical characters. The name comes from reTRIEval, where tries are usually used for constructing strings of words, allowing us to reTRIEve words by traversing down a particular path. Useful for spellchecking, autocorrect and predicting words.


Heaps are tree-based data structures that can be defined recursively: if A is a parent node of B then A is ordered (either greater/less than) with respect to B for all nodes A, B in the heap. A min-heap is where the root node is the minimum out of all its children, and this is recursively true for all subsequent parent nodes in the heap. Likewise for max-heaps. Constructing a binary heap takes O(n) linear time.

Complexity (Heaps)

  1. Access (peek) is O(1). Peeking at the top of a heap takes constant time.
  2. Search is O(n). A naive way of searching is through a linear scan.
  3. Insert is O(log n). Takes log time to add a new element. If the new element violates the recursive property, swap the element with its parent.
  4. Delete (dequeue) is O(log n). Takes log time, because after removing the root node, the heap has to be shuffled back to satisfy the recursive property. Naive removal takes O(n).

Hash Tables

Hash Tables allow very fast retrieval of data, independent of the amount of data there is. Widely used in database indexing, caching, compiling programs, error checking, password authentication and more. If we know the index of an element in a hash table, we can immediately look up the element in O(1) constant time. Usually, each index is calculated using the value of the element(s) themselves, which is done using a hash function. Hash tables are often used to store key-value pairs (or a hashmap), so that for each key, we can store as much data as possible.

A hashing algorithm (or hash function) transforms the key into an address in memory. A simple example is

address = key Mod(n),

where n is the number of available addresses. Hash collisions occur when two different keys have the same index number. This can be resolved using two different techniques: open addressing and closed addressing.

Open addressing resolves hash collisions by placing an element somewhere other than its calculated address - every location is open to any item.

  • Linear probing (pointer += 1): if the address is occupied, a linear search is done to find the next available slot. Sometimes, the size of the hashmap is scaled to be larger than the amount of elements that are stored there, measured with the load factor:

    load factor = total number of items stored / size of hashmap

  • Plus 3 rehash (pointer += 3): instead of searching for the next available slot, we look at every third slot from the collision.

  • Quadratic probing (pointer = pointer ** 2): unlike linear probing, quadratic probing keeps squaring the search pointer to find the next available slot.

  • Double hashing: uses a second hash function to calculate a new address when a collision occurs.

Closed addressing or chaining resolves hash collisions by linking together items with the same address, usually via a Linked List. To find an item, traverse the linked list at the calculated address.

A good hash function should:

  • Minimize collisions
  • Have a uniform distribution of hash values
  • Be easy to calculate
  • Resolve any collisions

Complexity (Hash Tables)

All operations occur in constant time, in the best case scenario when there are no collisions. Otherwise, a linear search or linked list traversal is required, which is on the order of how long it takes to search through elements with the same index.

  1. Access is O(1).
  2. Search is O(1).
  3. Insert is O(1).
  4. Delete is O(1).


An algorithm is a specific set of steps/instructions to solve a problem. It must have a clear problem statement and must produce results at the end (either returns something or nothing).

Linear Search

An algorithm that looks through each element in a data strucutre to search for a matching item. At each step, a comparison is made between the current element in the data structure and the target element that needs to be found.

Complexity is O(n): In the worst-case scenario, all the elements in the entire data structure needs to be searched before the target element is found.

Binary Search

Binary search is intended only for sorted arrays. At each step of the search process, a comparison is made between the median element of the array and the target element. If the median element is greater than the target, the greater half of the array is discarded, and the next step looks at the smaller half of the array. Vice versa if the median element is smaller than the target.

Complexity is O(log n): because at each step, we are removing one-half of the search space that we need to look for (more accurately, the logarithm is in base 2). Binary search can be implemented both iteratively and recursively.

Breadth-First Search

Depth-First Search

Graph Traversals

Merge Sort

Quick Sort

Heap Sort

Heap sort is a sorting algorithm which takes in a list of elements, builds them into a min or max heap, and then removes the root node continuously to make a sorted list. Building the heap takes O(n) and heapifying (reshuffling) the heap after removal takes O(log n), so overall performance is O(n log n)

Inefficient Sorts

Selection Sort

Bubble Sort