This is a base restful web api with all essentials features. It gives a good chance to developers to start a new project.
You can find a lot of examples that uses different .net libraries. Here are some of features and libraries:
- Swagger UI Documantation.
- JWT Token Base Authentication.
- AutoMapper.
- Scrutor.
- EF Core 8.0 code first implementation.
- Fluent Validation.
- Repository Pattern and Generic Repository Pattern.
Clean Architecture:
- Presentation layer.
- Application layer.
- Data layer.
- Infrasucture layer.
- Common layer.
You need to install .net 8.0 runtime and .net 8.0 Sdk.
- AntiXss Custom Middleware.
- Custom Logging Middleware.
- Encrypt,Descrpt
I'm a full stack developer sin 2016.