

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

FOFviz: Flow of Funds Analysis System

FOFviz is a Web-Based User-Friendly Solution for Macroeconomic Data Visualization, Analysis and Financial Forecasting.

Project Advisor: Asst. Prof. Seyid Amjad Ali

FOFviz Poster

Running the project

  • You need Python 3 to run the project.

  • It is highly recommended to use a Python Virtual Environment.

  • Make sure you have Python 3, pip and Virtual Environment. Make sure you have downloaded Python > 3.4, pip is bundled with newer versions.

  • If you don't have Python 3, pip, Virtual Environment do following steps.

    1. Check your Python version

      • for Windows by typing
        python --version
      • for UNIX-Like Operation Systems (Mac OS X / OS X / macOS / GNU Linux Distributions) by typing
        python3 --version
      • If you don't have Python 3
        • Python 3 can be downloaded from
    2. Installation of Virtual Environment

      • for Windows by typing
        py -m pip install --upgrade pip
      • for UNIX-Like Operation Systems by typing
        python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade pip  
  • To create and start a Virtual Environment

    • Create a Virtual Environment by typing

      python3 -m venv virtual_environment_name

      This command will create a folder with the given name.

    • Starting Virtual Environment

      • for Windows by typing

      • for UNIX-Like Operation Systems by typing

        source project-env/bin/activate
      • Virtual environment is started if you see name of virtual environment's name inside parentheses

  • All project dependencies listed in reqs.txt file.

    • to install dependencies, type
      pip install -r reqs.txt
      This command will install all dependencies automatically.

Before starting project needs a model migration. Make migration by typing:

python manage.py migrate

Installation process completed, now you can run the project by typing:

python manage.py runserver
  • Virtual Environment can be deactivated by typing,