Terraform module helm-deploy

This terraform module will help you deploy the helm charts on local.


Terraform >= 0.11.7

Kubernetes >= v1.14.8

Tiller >= v2.11.0

Before you begin

  1. Make sure that you have kubectl installed and you have configured your ~/.kube/config
  2. Make sure you have tiller installed on your kubernetes cluster
  3. Make sure that terraform also installed and follows Requirements


First you will need to create your own helm chart link. If you would like to quickly create helm chart then run

╭─ fsadykov ~
╰─() mkdir -p deployments/terraform/charts && cd deployments/terraform
╭─ fsadykov ~
╰─() helm create charts/example
Creating example
╭─ fsadykov ~
╰─() ls charts/example
Chart.yaml  charts      templates   values.yaml

After you created your helm chart you can go ahead and do modifications inside values.yaml

when modifications are done for values.yaml you will need to create module.tf to call the module

cat <<EOF >module.tf
module "helm_deploy" {
  source                 = "fuchicorp/chart/helm"
  deployment_name        = "example-deployment"
  deployment_environment = "dev"
  deployment_endpoint    = "example.fuchicorp.com"
  deployment_path        = "example"
  release_version        = "0.0.4"                 


Next create an simple output file named output.tf and copy and paste the following:

output "success" {
  value = "${module.helm_deploy.success_output}"

follow the file path

    /example ## Your chart location 


For more info, please see the variables file.

Variable Description Default Type
deployment_name The name of the deployment for helm release (Required) string
deployment_environment Name of the namespace (Required) string
deployment_endpoint Ingress endpoint example.fuchicorp.com (Required) domain/string
deployment_path path for helm chart on local (Required) string
release_version Specify the exact chart version to install. (Required) string
remote_chart Specify if you want to deploy the remote chart to "True" default value is "False" (Optional) bool
values Name of the values.yaml file (Optional) string
template_custom_vars Template custom veriables you can modify variables by parsting the template_custom_vars (Optional) map
env_vars Environment veriable for the containers takes map (Optional) map
timeout If you would like to increase the timeout (Optional) number
recreate_pods On update performs pods restart for the resource if applicable. (Optional) bool

Custom variable deployment

module "helm_deploy" {
  # source = "git::https://github.com/fuchicorp/helm-deploy.git"
  source  = "fuchicorp/chart/helm"
  deployment_name        = "artemis-deployment"
  deployment_environment = "dev"
  deployment_endpoint    = "artemis.fuchicorp.com"
  deployment_path        = "artemis"
  release_version        = "0.0.4"                  

  template_custom_vars = {
    deployment_image = "nginx"

Every key and value you define inside template_custom_vars will be used for your values-template.yaml in this case

deployment_image value will be replaced inside the file to nginx

╭─ fsadykov ~/Projects/fuchicorp-projects/terraform-modules/deploy-testing
╰─(‹master*› ) cat charts/artemis/values.yaml| grep repository
  repository: ${deployment_image}

Output file will be:

╭─ fsadykov ~/Projects/fuchicorp-projects/helm-deploy
╰─(‹master*› ) cat .cache/values.yaml | grep reposit
  repository: nginx

You can see the repository replaced to the right value

If you would like to deploy remote chart

REMOTE CHARTS are available on versions "0.0.4" and up.

In order to deploy remote charts, you should have your own values.yaml file,

module.tf and output.tf in the same folder.

Please follow the steps to configure module.tf and output.tf


module.tf file should look like this

module "helm_remote_deployment" {
  source = "fuchicorp/chart/helm"
  deployment_name        = "example-deployment"     ## The name of the deployment
  deployment_environment = "dev"                    ## Name of the namespace
  deployment_endpoint    = "example.fuchicorp.com"  ## Ingress endpoint
  deployment_path        = "stable/jenkins"         ## Path for helm chart
  release_version        = "0.0.4"                  ## Chart version
  remote_chart           = "true"
  values                 = "values.yaml"            ## your values.yaml file 

Next create an simple output file named output.tf and copy and paste the following:

output "success" {
  value = "${module.helm_remote_deployment.success_output}"

           Developed by FuchiCorp DevOps team, Enjoy using it.