JS Assignment Quizler

In this assignment students are tasked with creating a custom library for a command line application which builds quizzes and allows the user to take quizzes they have built or pull random questions from multiple quizzes and take a random quiz.

The command line application is built using inquirer.js and vorpal.js. The documentation for each may of interest to students when completing this assignment, however a full implementation of the command line interface has been provided.

To finish fully implementing this command line application students will need to create a few helper functions in their lib.js file. There are three methods specifically required by the tests which are detailed below.

First, students need to implement the chooseRandom function. This function takes an array and the number of random items to choose from the array (numItems). It should return a new array containing the correct number of randomly selected, unique items from the original array. Students must export their createRandom function from the lib.js file in order to run the included test cases.

Second, they will add a createPrompt function which expects an object with properties: numQuestions and numChoices and must return an array of objects in a specific format (listed in the CreatePrompt Format section below). The numQuestions parameter should have a default value of 1 and the numchoices parameter should have a default value of 2.

Third, students will add createQuestions, which takes an object which has question numbers and choices as keys and returns an array of question objects which each contain a question and its corresponding choices. The object parameter should default to an empty object. The format of the array of questions objects is detailed in the CreateQuestion Format section below.

Finally, students will test their code in lib.js using npm test and ensure all tests for chooseRandom, createPrompt, and createQuestions pass successfully.


The main goal is to assess the students knowledge of the JavaScript language and, more specifically, their ability to write and use Node as a JavaScript environment. Also, to assess students ability to adapt to new technologies and read documentation of libraries curated for the requirements of this assignment. Lastly, to assess students abilities to combine external libraries with their own custom libraries in order to build an application.

ChooseRandom Tasks

  • Implement chooseRandom function
  • Should take 2 parameters, array and numItems
  • array should default to an empty array
  • If array has length 0 or 1, then simply return it
  • numItems must be checked to ensure it is a number in the range 1 to array.length (inclusive)
  • If numItems is outside of the correct range, then it should be set to a random number within the correct range
  • Should always return an array
  • Should not mutate the array passed in
  • Should return a random array if possible (size > 1)
  • Should return an array of the passed in length
  • Run command npm test and ensure all tests for chooseRandom pass successfully

CreatePrompt & CreateQuestions Tasks

  • Implement createPrompt using the given format below and the given test cases
  • Implement the createQuestions function based on the format below and provided tests
  • Ensure all tests for createPrompt & createQuestions are passing when you run the npm test command

CreatePrompt Format

createPrompt should return an array of objects in the following format:

  { // Questions are repeated numQuestion number of times
    type: 'input',
    name: `question-${(Question Number)}`,
    message: `Enter question ${(Question Number)}`
  { // Choices are repeated numChoices number of times for each question
    type: 'input',
    name: `question-${(Question Number)}-choice-${(Choice Number)}`,
    message: `Enter answer choice ${(Choice Number)} for question ${(Question Number)}`

Example of createPromt({ numQuestions: 2, numChoices: 2 }):

    type: 'input',
    name: `question-1`,
    message: `Enter question 1`
    type: 'input',
    name: `question-1-choice-1`,
    message: `Enter answer choice 1 for question 1`
    type: 'input',
    name: `question-1-choice-2`,
    message: `Enter answer choice 2 for question 1`
    type: 'input',
    name: `question-2`,
    message: `Enter question 2`
    type: 'input',
    name: `question-2-choice-1`,
    message: `Enter answer choice 1 for question 2`
    type: 'input',
    name: `question-2-choice-2`,
    message: `Enter answer choice 2 for question 2`

CreateQuestions Format

createQuestions should return an array of question objects in the following format:

  { // Repeated for the total number of questions
    type: 'list',
    name: (Question Name),
    message: (Question),
    choices: [ // Repeated for the total number of choices for each question

Example of:

  'question-1': 'Do you think you\'re ready for this?',
  'question-1-choice-1': 'Beyond ready!!!',
  'question-1-choice-2': 'Totally!',
  'question-2': 'Are you loving JS yet?',
  'question-2-choice-1': 'It\'s tubular!',
  'question-2-choice-2': 'Way rad man!'


  { // Repeated for the total number of questions
    type: 'list',
    name: 'question-1',
    message: 'Do you think you\'re ready for this?',
    choices: [
      'Beyond ready!!!',
  }, { // Repeated for the total number of questions
    type: 'list',
    name: 'question-2',
    message: 'Are you loving JS yet?',
    choices: [
      'It\'s tubular!',
      'Way rad man!'

Extra Tasks

Below is a list of extra tasks for students who complete the assignment early and want to attempt more difficult challenges:

  • Refactor your createQuestions function to create questions with some kind of unique identifiers
  • Refactor createQuestions to also create an answer bank object when creating the questions
  • Save the answer bank to a separate file which corresponds to each quiz file. Or save them in the same file within one object with two keys: 'quiz' and 'answers'
  • Add a command to your command line application which can grade the answers after a user has taken a quiz
  • Refactor take quiz command so that it automatically grades responses and gives the user their grade upon completion of a quiz
  • Add auto-completion functionality for each command. For example, typing take and hitting tab would list the available quizzes a user could take