
This is a module for the MagicMirror².

A short, one sentence, clear description what it does (duh!)

Example screenshot

  • A high quality screenshot of your working module

External APIs in use

This module is using the Google Matrix API (advanced) which provides travel distance and time for a matrix of origins and destinations.

You will need to provide Google API key in order to use this module and API usage is billed by Google (look for billing of SKU: Distance Matrix Advanced).

Installing the module

  1. Navigate to the MagicMirror/modules directory and execute the following command

    git clone
  2. Change into the MMM-Google-Driving-Time module folder and install runtime dependencies with

    cd MMM-Jast
    npm install --only=production

Using the module

To use this module, add the following configuration block to the modules array in the config/config.js file:

var config = {
  modules: [
      module: 'MMM-Google-Driving-Time',
      config: {
        // See below for configurable options

Configuration options

Property Type Required Default Description
lastUpdateFormat string HH:mm
updateIntervalInSeconds string 5
origin string See origins.
If you supply Place ID you must prefix it with place_id:. See also Find the ID of a particular place.
If you supply Plus code do not format (url-escape) the value as described in official docs from Google.

Note! Currently this module supports only one origin.
destination string See destinations.
If you supply Place ID you must prefix it with place_id:. See also Find the ID of a particular place.
If you supply Plus code do not format (url-escape) the value as described in official docs from Google.

Note! Currently this module supports only one destination.
language string See language
trafficModel string best_guess See traffic_model
apiKey string See Creating API Keys
departureDate DepartureDay TODAY Which day to retrieve departure times for, valid values: TODAY or TOMORROW.
departureTimes DepartureTime[] [{ hours: 13, minutes: 30 }] List of departure times (hours and minutes) for DepartureDay. Be aware that there will be performed one service call to Google Matrix API for each departure time, so you should limit this list to max 5 elements.

Contribution and Development

This module is written in TypeScript and compiled with Rollup . Nunjucks is used as templating language.

The source files are located in the src folder.

Compile target files with npm run build.

Tests are run with jest npm test or npm run test:coverage with coverage report.

Contribution for this module is welcome!