PlainApp is an open-source application that allows you to manage your phone through a web browser. Access files, videos, music, contacts, sms, calls, and more from your desktop using a secure, easy to use web interface!
- 001Zhehao
- abhay7devWashington State
- AgeOfMarcusCullowhee, NC
- BrianJr03Earth
- canxixi
- ChevrahSafe Mode
- chinchan54
- CorePoint
- driftywinds
- droplet-js
- Ed9en
- endarkxDharan, Nepal
- HackcidentalItway
- iripu
- jeremystilwell
- kendriss
- m0Re-p
- Maha-RajanTirunelveli
- mpadiyshenzhen
- Neesham15
- netforfreedom
- nthnjhnsnlocalhost
- ovaldiAmoy
- qwerty12
- RobotsAreCrazy
- RodrigolmtiCanada
- rons4Derdack
- shurui7
- super-DG
- SysAdminDoc
- thedoumLévis, QC, Canada
- user8446Virginia, USA
- Xander4865
- XieL1989
- Zakaria-ouertaniTunisia
- zimspy007Age-X Development