
Tool for delete resources from aws... if it is not in the whitelist

Primary LanguagePython

Build Status

Wall-e(In progress)

                                                                                 Alt text

Tool for clean AWS objects...


pip install wall-e
pip install git+https://git@github.com/ismFerDev/Wall-e.git

How it works:

You must have in your aws credentials your api keys like:

cat ~/credentials
[account aws-name]
aws_access_key_id = AKIA****************
aws_secret_access_key = ****************************************

Enter into src directory

cd Wall-e/src/

Cleaning CloudFormations:

wall-e -a your-aws-name -r cloudformation -d dust/cloudformation_dust

This command will clean all cloudformations if there are not in "dust/cloudformation_dust"

Cleaning LaunchConfigurations:

if you launch:

python wall-e.py -r autoscaling -a your-aws-name

This command clean all your launchConfigurations.

Cleaning your instances:

You must have tagged your instance with tag:Name.

and Run:

python cli.py -r ec2 -t tag_name1 tag_name2 tag_name3 -a aws_account

You will delete all instance not tagged with tag_name1 tag_name2 tag_name3

Cleaning your snapshots:

You must specify how many days you want to retain.

and Run:

python wall-e.py -r snapshot -D days -a aws_account

You will delete all snapshots older than days You will delete all instance not tagged with tag_name1 tag_name2 tag_name3