
Library for creating web-user-interfaces

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Constructor Of User interfaces LIbrary. Library for creating webcomponents that automatically change their appearance depending on the inner state as well as execute user-defined logic on DOM and life-cycle events.

The project is pretty small and raw but already seems to be performanceful.

How to install and prepare

Install the library through

npm install couli

then include with

var Couli = require('couli')


import Couli from 'couli'

in your script file.

couli.js file also can be included on the client through script tag, and resides at /dist/ folder of the project.

You can fiddle with the code for the library yourself and generate your own version of the library file with npm run-script build

For developing and learning process to become easier, start webpack-web-server with npm start command, and check out mini example apps at the /dist/ folder.


Documentation for the library is quite terse and is recommended to be read along with examining examples from /dist/ folder. Hopefully, that will be enough to understand main API concepts.

Creating component

Components are created with the call to Could.define function. With such signagure:

CouliComponent component = Couli.define (
  // string representing component markup. Must have a single root element.
  String markup,
  // entities describing the behavior of parts of the component. May or may not point to markup elements.
  Object bindings,
  // styles to be applied to a given component
  Object styles
  // tag to component mapping for inserting child components
  Object childCompnents

All arguments except markup are optional.


Bindings describe the appearance and behavior of parts of a component. They can point to HTML elements within markup through x-b and x-lb (the difference is described below) attributes or they can just be used for some internal work calculations.
Bindings are defined inside the bidings hash with keys as binding names and values as binding options.
Binding can have the following options:

  value: ReactiveFunction (BindingsValues, ComponentInterface),
  html: ReactiveFunction (BindingsValues, ComponentInterface),
  style: ReactiveFunction (BindingsValues, ComponentInterface),
  class: ReactiveFunction (BindingsValues, ComponentInterface),
  attrs: ReactiveFunction (BindingsValues, ComponentInterface)
  events: {
    [domEventName]: EventHandler (Event, ComponentInterface),
  hooks: {
    [lifeCycleEventName]: EventHandler (ComponentValues, ComponentInterface),

Binding with the name of '' (empty string) is considered to be a component binding. Its configuration will be applied to the whole component.

Binding options

value, html, style, class and attrs functions will reevaluate each time values of bindings they listen to change
all of them have the following common signature:
ReactiveFunction (Object bindingsValues, ComponentInterface ci) Where: bindingsValues - values of all bindings in the component.
ci - entity allowing to get access to the underlying component, get and set values, move up and down in components hierarchy tree. More on what and how to use ComponentInterface see below.

Reactive functions differ in what they return and where they apply:


Returns value of the binding. The return value can be of any type. value itself is not applied to the markup unless you don't define html function.


Returns what will be innerHTML of the binding.


Must return an object with keys as class names and booleans as values expressing whether show or hide each class.


Must return an object with keys and values expressing what styles to apply to HTML markup.


Must return an object with keys and values expressing what attributes to change in HTML markup.


events object contains event handlers for a piece of markup you assign a binding to.
Keys in events object are any valid event names (mouseup, blur, keyup etc.). Signature for all event handlers is:

EventHandler (Event e, ComponentInterface ci)

e - Event object.
ci - entity allowing to get access to the underlying component, get and set values, move up and down in components hierarchy tree. More on what and how to use ComponentInterface see below.


These functions will be called at different binding's life events. For now: mount event works only for a whole component (binding name - '') and is called when a component is created and attached to DOM
update events work for whole components as well as individual bindings, called when a value in a component is updated.
remove events work for list items, for now, called after list item was removed from DOM

Signature for all component life-cycle handlers is:

LifeCycleHandler (ComponentValues, ComponentInterface ci)

value - values of the whole component or value of a specific binding.
ci - entity allowing to get access to the underlying component, get and set values, move up and down in components hierarchy tree. More on what and how to use ci see below.


An object containing styles to be applied to a given component. Where the keys are any valid selectors, and values are objects describing styles for these selectors. To point to binding markup just use the binding name as a selector.


If childComponents argument is added to Couli.define function, the library will search for tags corresponding to the keys in this object and replace them with the corresponding components. Signature for defining child components:

    tagName: [ CouliComponent component, Links { childBindingName: bindingName } ]

where: tagName - tags in the component being defined you want to replace to components component - component for replacement Links - optional object to declare direct dependence of bindings of the component and child components, where childBindingName - binding name in a child component and bindingName - binding name in the component.


ComponentInterface is a thing that allows getting and setting binding values on the component, getting component and binding markups as well as moving from one component to another. Methods:

.get(String key)

Returns value of the binding with key name. Or if no argument is given, returns an object of all values of the component. If you are trying to get the value of a list binding, then instead of receiving the value itself, you will get another interface ArrayInterface for working with this list of values through which you will be able to efficiently add, remove, change and get values of the list. More on ArrayInterface see below.

.set(Object changeHash)

Sets values of the component's bindings to values of changeHash where keys are binding names.

.up(Number num)
.up(String componentUserName)

If no argument is given, returns ComponentInterface of the parent component.
If a numeric argument is given, returns ComponentInterface of the parent component num levels higher. If a string argument is given, returns ComponentInterface of the parent component with the name that corresponds to the string argument value. See below on how to give a component a custom name.

.markup(String bindingName)

Returns HTMLElement binding with bindingName is assigned to.


If a binding you want to .get() value from is of list type, then ArrayInterface is what you will get instead and here's methods that you can call on it.

.get(Number num)

Get ComponentInterface of list item at num position.

.push(Object newItem)

Add newItem to the end of the list.

.unshift (Object newItem)

Add newItem to the begining of the list.

.add(Number start, Object newItem)

Add newItem at num postion of the list.

Instead of passing only one Object, .push, .unshift and .add methods can as well receive an array of items instead.

.pop(Number num)

Remove num last elements from the list. num defaults to 1 if omitted.

.shift(Number num)

Remove num first elements from the list. num defaults to 1 if omitted.

.remove(Number start, Number num)

Remove num elements from the list starting from start position.


Get raw values of the list.

.forEach(Callback cb)

Iterates over the values of the list and call cb function with arguments (Object item, Number index) on each of the items.

.filter(Callback cb)

Returns a new list with items from the initial list for which cb function with arguments (Object item, Number index) returns a true value

.map(Callback cb)

Returns a new array with items being results of calling cb function with arguments (Object item, Number index) on each item of the initial list.

x-b and x-lb difference

x-b attribute points to HTMLElement for the binding x-lb attribute is assigned to HTMLElements that will have the role of list containers.
Such list bindings receive additional logic for rendering and mutating arrays of data. HTMLElement with x-lb attribute must have one child element which will be considered as a template for list item.

Applying components to page markup

Finally to apply created components to markup call Couli.apply(HTMLElement container, CouliComponent component)
where container is a HTMLElement on the page where you wish to place your component.

Binding option short keys

To save the time and effort of writing and reading various binding options in full length, one can use shortened keys that will correspond to full option keys.

Short key Full key
_s style
_c class
_v value
_a attrs
_h html
_eab events.abort
_eld events.load
_eer events.error
_ef events.focus
_efi events.focusin
_efo events.focusout
_eb events.blur
_eas events.animationstart
_eac events.animationcanceled
_eae events.animationend
_eai events.animationiteration
_ets events.transitionstart
_etc events.transitioncancel
_ete events.transitionend
_etr events.transitionrun
_efr events.reset
_efs events.submit
_ech events.change
_ekd events.keydown
_ekp events.keypress
_eku events.keyup
_emc events.click
_emx events.contextmenu
_emd events.mousedown
_eme events.mouseenter
_eml events.mouseleave
_emm events.mousemove
_emo events.mouseover
_emt events.mouseout
_emu events.mouseup
_empc events.pointerlockchange
_empe events.pointerlockerror
_emw events.wheel
_ems events.select
_ed events.drag
_ede events.dragend
_edr events.dragenter
_eds events.dragstart
_edl events.dragleave
_edo events.dragover
_edd events.drop
_emcp events.canplay
_emcpt events.canplaythrough
_emdc events.duractionchange
_emet events.emptied
_emnd events.ended
_emld events.loadeddata
_emlmd events.loadedmetadata
_emps events.pause
_empl events.play
_emplg events.playing
_emrc events.ratechange
_emsk events.seeked
_emskg events.seeking
_emst events.stalled
_emsd events.suspend
_emtu events.timeupdate
_emvc events.volumechange
_emwt events.waiting
_hu hooks.update
_hm hooks.mount
_hr hooks.remove